Love lasts - chapter 12 - sorry doesnt cut it

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Betty POV

For whatever reason , Archie had asked to meet us before school that morning. I still hadn't forgiven him for that morning when he punched my juggy. What was he thinking? That I was so in love with him that he could just break my heart and I'd still love him? No. he broke my heart, and Jughead picked up the pieces. I don't know what he wants, maybe to apologise? Or hurt Jughead again? Who knows...

I just hope he doesn't cause any trouble. Jughead and I have had a rocky first few weeks... but I love him. Some people might think we're moving too fast, that we've only been dating a month or so and we shouldn't be living together, but that was all circumstance. And, we might have only been together a few weeks but I've loved him for a lot longer than I've known. It occurred to me when he comforted me when Archie rejected me that Jughead had always been there for me. He was a real friend, and he loved me. He was like home. He is my home. He has done everything to make me happy for years, and I've always had feelings for him that I pushed aside because I knew I could never date him because of what people would think. I have now come to the conclusion that I no longer care what they think. I love Jughead Jones.

I was soon tugged from my thoughts...

We arrived at school and Jughead grabbed my bag for me from the back of the truck and handed it to me. We had agreed to meet Archie, along with Kev and Ronnie as he had requested, at the gates of the school. I approached, Jughead with his arm around my shoulder, to see Kevin clutching his satchel wearing a green v neck and a goofy smile. "Kev! Hey!" I called and he perked up even more. We were soon joined by a smiling Veronica (wearing a purple dress and heels), and made small talk as we waited for Archie. "So... how did your mom react to the reveal?" Kevin asked. Jug and I shared a look and then he answered "okay." We had decided not to tell them about our living situation. "Okay? Alive Copper was 'okay' with you two?" Veronica said, sounding meaner than she meant. "Yep. I mean she wasn't thrilled but she didn't kill us so..." I said. At least it wasn't a total lie. We were still alive.

"Betty. Veronica. Kevin. J-Jughead..." we heard the familiar voice. "Um... hi."
"Hi? That all you got?" Jughead snapped. "Come on guys. We're wasting our time on this loser." Veronica retorted, arms crossed. "Please guys I'm here to apologise!" Archie said with desperation. "Fine. But get a move on." I half yelled.

"I never meant to hurt you guys. Betty... I'm sorry I rejected you. I was just so taken aback. I was trying to play hard to get... I was being dumb and I thought if I did that then you would chase me. I was playing games. I never meant to hurt you. Truth is... I was in love with you. I just wanted to make sure you were all in. I made a mistake. That's why I hit you, Jughead. You took Betty from me. I know you've been there for her but... come on dude. Betty is in love with me and I love her. Your just her rebound. She doesn't love you. Come on Betty you know I'm right. I'm sorry, please forgive me. I want you Betty. Be mine. I love you. " he said.

Kevin was shook. Veronica's jaw was on the floor. Jughead was radish coloured and ready to spontaneously combust. I was staring at Archie with a "really?" face. "Nope. You've got this all wrong Andrews. Let me spell it out for you. You rejected me because you thought I was dumb enough to keep chasing after you like some little mindless drone. Then you punched Jughead because you realised that that wasn't the case. I'm not a toy you can manipulate Archie! I love Jughead because he is the one who is always there to fix me when you break me! He has always been there for me! He loves me and I love him! You don't love me! The only person you love Archie Andrews is your god damn self! I will never love you! Your only grovelling now because it hurt your fragile little ego when I moved on so quickly. You only apologised because you miss me following you around like some little groupie feeding your ego! I'm done with you Archie and I'm done with your bullshit!" I screamed. The whole world fell silent.

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