Love lasts - chapter 15 - Bling... Bling?

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Betty sat holding the ring in her palm. She had no idea what to do. Give in, and that sets a premise for them to make her do much worse, but refuse and her and Jughead would be in more danger than ever. And, they had Sweet Pea breathing down their neck, Archie on a mad one and apparently there's some female serpent called Tom... or was it Toni? Betty couldn't remember, but Jughead (being the great boyfriend he is) told her when she started relentlessly flirting with him. Now she gives Betty dirty looks at school. Ugh. Wow. How come so many people were out to hurt them?

She slipped the ring onto her finger and looked at it disgusted. She didn't want to do it, but they had to protect themselves.


Betty arrived at school that morning, and none seemed to notice the ring until she met Ronnie and Kevin in the usual spot near the gates. "Oooh B is that some new bling I see?" Ronnie said. She was like a moth to a flame with jewellery. "Um no. old bling." Betty answered, hoping veronica would leave it "Really? I've never seen it before." Ronnie persisted.

"It's just some old ring I've had for years that I found when I moved. Thought I'd wear it." she said with a little more sass than intended.

"Moved?" Ronnie asked. Oh shit.

Betty POV

Crap! How could I be so dumb! Jughead and I weren't going to tell Kev and Ronnie about our living situation for a while, just enough for us to settle in and let our friends see how much we care about each other, I can guarantee that Ronnie would freak out if she knew where I lived at the moment. "Uhh..." I stalled "She means moved stuff around in her room. Like she moved her dresser and found it down the back, right Betts?" Jughead swooped in with a brilliant excuse. "Yeah. That's it." I mumbled and then quickly looked away and then to the floor.

"Mhm. You know..." Ronnie said suspiciously. Oh dear god what now. "you two have been acting very strange lately. Is there anything you need to tell us?" she asked cautiously. Oh god.

"Were fine. V..."

"Yep. Totally fine. Why, do we seem un-fine?" Jughead asked. "No. just making sure my bestie and her man are all good."

"were doing great, v" I said sincerely, smiling up at Juggy as he gave me a kiss on the nose and I giggled. That seemed to satisfy her and she went back to talking to Kevin. "So Veronica?" Kevin began. "When are we gonna see some tall dark and handsome man on that arm of yours Veronica?"

"I could ask you the same question, Kev." she chuckled playfully. "Sadly things are rather desolate in the realm of Kevin's romance" he replied dramatically, making veronica and I laugh, and Jughead give a weak smile, more focused on staring at me than on the conversation.

Jughead POV

I have to admit, I wasn't paying too much attention to the others as they talked, as I was more interested in staring at Betty. I knew I shouldn't be, but it was too hard to resist. She was so beautiful. God, sometimes I just wished it was only me and her, alone forever. Then I think of how much better it is getting to share our love with our friends, whom I have grown a lot closer to since all of this Archie drama. That ring had me scared to death, but I bet I know who its from. They wont get away with it.

Just then, as my thoughts drifted even further from the conversation; I felt eyes on my back. I turned around to see a pink haired girl in a serpent jacket with her eyes glued to me. Toni. I knew her in passing only as a flirty girl with the wrong kind of reputation, but I'm not one to judge. Our eyes made brief contact and then she whipped them away, returning to the conversation she was having. Perhaps even more shocking, was the suspect conversation she was now contently engaged in, taking in a hushed tone. She stood talking to a tall boy with jet black hair, whom I immediatley recognised as sweet pea. Ugh. That pairing alone wasn't too strange, as I had seen them together before and assumed they were friends, or even dating. It was their third companion that had the cogs turning in my head. Archie Andrews stood with them, hunched over slightly to get closer to the group, engaging In their hushed chatter.

He took a quick glance my way with an evil smirk and then the three dispersed and headed into school.

"Jug? Are you coming?" said the sweet voice from beside me. "Of course babe." I said and turned back to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "God you're so beautiful." I said and she chuckled. We headed to our lockers and grabbed what we needed and headed to first period. Math. This would be a long day...

sorry it took so long, here is part 15 <3 - lizzie


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