Love lasts - chapter 13 - thats my girl

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"I'm done with you Archie and I'm done with your bullshit!" Betty screamed, and the whole world fell silent.

There was a slow clap. Then another. And a third. Betty and Archie simply glared at each other as the people who had just witnessed Betty serving Archie's ass to him on a plate clapped for her. "That was riveting. I can't breathe." Kevin said proudly. Jughead wrapped his arms around Betty and smiled at Archie. "Get lost, Andrews. " he yelled and a now luminous red Archie stormed off with a huff.

The four best friends laughed and talked and her now upbeat and perky after Betty's speech. "That's my girl. " Jughead said, leaning down for a kiss. She smiled into it and placed her hand on his face. He pulled away and whispered in her ear "That was hot." She giggled nervously. "Heard that! Laughed Kevin and Veronica joined in, as Jughead chuckled nervously and touched his hair.

Archie POV.

It made me sick as I watched them all laughing and smiling, and then he kissed her. Eww! That's my girl! I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice. I pulled out my phone and started a conference call.

"Sweet pea? Toni? I have an idea. A plan that I think is in all of our interests. I think you would both be interested. Meet me at pops, 8pm."

Short one! Welcome to our first major plot line! Yes, I know some people are disappointed that sweet pea, Archie and Toni are going to be villains but I promise it's a good plot. So worth it. - Elizabeth

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