Love lasts - chapter 17 - eyes speak (part 2)

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Jughead POV

I was really worried about Betty. This whole ring situation has her tied up in knots. I dont know how to help her. She really needs me and I'm acting useless and bumbling. Everything I do makes it worse.

"Juggy?" Her sweet voice whispered. God I love her. "Yeah?" I said softly, running my fingers through her soft hair again. We were lying on the couch In The student lounge, her on top of me with her head on my chest. "We should really head to our lockers before next period." She spoke still quiet and soft. "Babe and you sure you want to go to English? We could skip again. " I proposed. I hope she decides to skip, because holding her like this is the only way I know she's safe. "Yeah. I don't want to miss another class. We should go." She spoke plainly, with little expression. My poor baby. "K. Let's go. " I smirked, grabbing her thighs from behind and lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around me with a giggle and hung her arms around my neck. I began to run with her on my arms through the empty corridors. When I made it to her locker I dripped her gently and spun her around, making her giggle. It made me smile to see her happy for a moment.

Betty got what she needed from her locker and shut it. We were walking hand in hand through the desolate halls of riverdale high, knowing we would be early to class.

A flash of pink and black caught my eye; I did a double take. Holding Betty close to me, I sighed when I saw nothing of the sort. I continued walking with a furrowed brow, with an unrelenting feeling that we were being followed when I saw it again and whipped my head around, and caught the culprit in my accusing gaze. Toni. She just stared at me and I stared back. She batted her eyelashes and winked at me and I scoffed and shook my head.

Betty and i meandered into our English class just as all of the other teachers let their class go (I suppose Mrs Cossey had a free period before this.). We went to take our seats when the teacher spun around in her chair and spoke kindly to us "Hi! Wow! You kids are early! Well i suppose you could maybe give me a hand and pass out the copies of this article we will be studying today?" "Of course Mrs Cossey." Betty said politely. we both really liked this teacher, she was nice and not too strict and she was one of those teachers that made you want to work hard, even if you were someone who hated English. She was a short woman in her mid thirties with long black hair that she wore in a high ponytail. She spoke very jolly and always wore a smile. "I think you two will really enjoy the subject matter today. We'll be having a debate later. I know how the two of you love to destroy everyone in debates.." she said with a smile. Betty and I shard a smirk and a giggle. ".. and i think this is a subject you will both be very passionate about. Something to really sink your teeth into..." she was interrupted by the door swinging open, and in walked the rose haired snake. "Miss Topaz. Nice to see you." Miss suddenly spoke more quickly, with less passion. She was quiet and subdued; I knew exactly why. in 9th grade, Toni threw a chair at Miss Cossey and broke her arm. She wasn't expelled because this is the only school in Riverdale, and Miss Cossey decided not to press charges, stating that it was only a childish mistake, and that Toni shouldn't suffer for it for the rest of her life. What a sweet woman. However, terms were agreed that Toni was never to be in Miss Cossey's class, until a staffing issue landed her back here this year. Tough luck.

Toni ignores the teacher and takes her seat in the back of the class, in the second row forward. When we are done our errand, Betty and i take our seats in the very back row, next to each other of course. We chat quietly about the title of the article, both intrigued and excited for the debate.

During the first half of the one hour class, the teacher droned on about language analysis and some other stuff I already knew, so I decided to doodle on the margins of my note book. I looked up in boredom, and looked at Betty's face as she took meticulous notes, brow furrowed and lips slightly parted. I wanted to kiss her right then and there. I then glanced quickly around the classroom and someone caught my eye. Toni. She was staring again, even more obvious this time. She was turned around in her seat, making complete eye contact with me. She bit her lip and flipped her hair. Is that supposed to be seductive? I laugh quietly to myself and shake my head. I pity the fool. I think Toni took the laugh as some kind of approval, because next time I looked up she was grinning to herself, looking smug. Oh shit. What have I started?

Bughead - love lasts - a riverdale fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now