Chapter 7: Those Small Feelings

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Chapter 7

Lilly's POV

No, I've never met anyone like you Geoffrey, damn. This makes want to disappear for a second, just to think about all of the memories that David brings to me, my one and only guy that I loved with all of my heart.


I snapped out of it, "Yeah?"

"You ok?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I am, let's keep walking" I said.

This time I didn't let him grab my hand, and I know he noticed. I think I only failed to make this situation awkward. It's not that I don't love his company, Royce is a great guy, but I don't know much about him, and he doesn't even know me, not even a little.

I have a past, a depressing one.

For almost two years, my heart was been a stone, I can't feel pain, and I most defiantly can't handle emotions, especially new ones like this every time I'm with him. I'm such a complicated bitch...

I bet you guys don't even understand...

"What's this?" He asked looking through some glass doors.

"That's the Chicago Symphony/ Orchestra theater I think, they rehearse and have shows there" I said.

"It's beautiful!"

"Yeah it is! I love that type of music" I said standing next to him to look inside the luxurious theater.

"You do?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I do, I kinda listen to movie orchestra soundtracks to help me fall asleep, like uhg when the crescendo's and decrescendo's happen I always get the goosebumps... Oh I know I'm weird" I laughed softly at myself.

"I find it interesting" he smiled.

"Of course you do.."

"I like broadway musicals too, I wouldn't never developed this kind of interest towards any of this if it wasn't for my high school choir" I said.

"You were in choir!!" He said surprised.

"Yeah..." I blushed a little, "Don't ask me to sing, cus I won't!"

"Aw! Come on!"

"No! Only when I'm the shower, I'm not even that good, I did it because I loved it"

"So you love to sing?" He cut in.

"Not by myself! Quit asking! I'm not!" I said

"Ok but what part were you?" He asked.

"A first soprano" I smiled.

"Aha! So you sang the super high notes!"

"Yeah I did" I said proudly.

"What's the highest note you've reached?"

"About a high C, I've always wanted to reach the note that Christine sings in the Phantom of the Opera, you probably don't even know what that is, but yeah"

"I'm actually surprised that you were in a choir, I never imagined it" he said.

"Like I never imagined you becoming an English teacher" I laughed.

"Yeah" he laughed, "Wait didn't that one movie just come out on Christmas Day? It looked like a musical... Maybe you know it?"

"You mean Les Miserables?" I smiled.

"Yeah that one! Have you seen it?"

"Nope, but I already know it's amazing, that's another of broadway faves!" I said.

"I'll take you to go see it!" He offered sweetly.

"Um, it's ok, you'll probably be bored out of your mind, the lines are even sung, I don't think it's your thing" I said.

"Still.. What's it about?" He said.

"It's actually a book written by Victor Hugo a really famous French author, but made into a musical later, it's about rebellion. It all centers around this guy named Jean Val Jean, he was in prison for stealing a loaf of bread, when he gets out he steals some more but finally learns to change his life so he changes his name and becomes the mayor of a town, he meets this girl name Fantine who works for one of his companies, but she was fired, and she had a kid, so she goes into prostitution to help pay for her daughter, she eventually dies, so Val Jean takes care of her daughter, years later the rebellion against the government starts and uhg I can't keep explaining you'll just have to watch, but it's really good!"

"I'd love to see it with you" he smiled.

Oh that smile... It's slowly becoming a weakness, I can't let it overthrow me.

"It--it's time" I said.


"It's time to meet back with the others" I said.

"Oh right, let's go" he said and we walked back to the ticket booth to the boat.

I was taking out my wristlet so I could pay for my ticket, I was relieved when Rodney didn't say anything, I knew he wanted to pay for everyone, but I couldn't let him do that, he barely knows me.

"Ahh! I'm so excited!" Shanelli said.

Already the music was blasting through the boat, we got clearance to finally enter. Dinner was hours away, for now it was just dancing and having a good time.

Third Person POV

As soon as everyone entered the boat, everyone started dancing, this left Royce to ask Lilly to dance. Lilly didn't turn him down, but she tried to keep her distance away, she couldn't help the way her heart was pumping, at a very fast rate.

"Why is this happening? My heart didn't pump this fast when we first danced together" Lilly thought.

All the people seemed to be Hispanic, so the DJ played Latin music.

Currently, a slow ballad was playing, a romantic one to put on the romantic setting. Lilly was uncomfortable at this point, but a part of her loved dancing the way she did with Royce. Ballads were also one of her many favorites.

"I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable" Royce said.

He absolutely just read her mind.

"No you're not, I love ballads" Lilly said.

Another thing about Lilly, was that she was a heck of an actress. She could act like nothing bothered her, when in the inside, it did, but only not in the way she expected. What bothered her now was the fact that she hated the way she was making all of this looked, being stubborn can make this happen, she knew she had to accept that the little feelings that were developing were real.

"It's to early to make a move on her" Royce thought.

Already, it's only been a few days since he met her, but he loved everything about her, even the new things he would discover. Little by little he planned on stealing her heart.


Hi guys! It's Saturday! Bae is in Peru and OMG Angie is there... FRONT ROW! 😭😭👏👏

Anyways, not much action going on cus I'm trying to write this story completely different then the way I usually write, usually I speed things up with details to make it like a story, but now I'm taking my time on each of the these two characters get to know each other day by day! You'll see why! Hopefully I don't screw this up, I feel like this story is gonna be more challenging then writing Te Regalo El Mar so yeah! 😁😁 OHHH! And speaking of TREM I'm updating that after this, still gotta write it but yeah so stick around!

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