Chapter 18: Encouragement

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Chapter 18

"Hey bro you ok?"

I stopped thinking about Lilly for a moment to see Rodney looking at me concerned.

"Yeah fine..." I said quietly, but I realized that didn't sound so convincing.

"It's Lilly." Shanelli spoke up. Everyone turned to look at her, but her eyes were on me. "You didn't make a move on her or what!"

I shook my head trying to dismiss where she was going with this.

"No, don't ignore me!" She came up to me. "I know she's the reason you're so pensive, what happened?"

I finally exhaled and spoke up, "Nothing, absolutely...nothing" I sighed.

"Give us a minute." Shanelli turned around to dismiss everyone to leave us alone and talk. Was it really necessary? "You know you can talk to me about it." She said. Shanelli and I always had that brother and sister relationship were we always looked after each other. If she needed something, I was always there for her. If I ever needed anything, she was always there for me.

"I know... It's just...complicated..."

"Okokok" she said quickly, "You gotta give me details, what's going on with you? How can it be complicated when you just met the girl?--unless she rejected you or--"

"Nooo!" I interrupted her, "Lilly is just...special." I smiled.

"You like her! I knew it!" She got excited.

"Yeah, I do...a lot"

She started squealing, "Ahh! Then what's wrong?"

"Lilly, she's so secretive, I know she's had a rough past, but when I try to help her, she pushes me away..." I paused just thinking about her. "I can't explain it Nelli! Like I feel myself around her, she doesn't see me as the Prince Royce, she sees me, as Geoffrey, a normal person."

"And!!" Shanelli eagerd on.

I sighed again, it's completely pointless.

"No tell me!"

"I know she feels something toward me, she just has her walls up to not fall for anyone, if I told her how I really feel, it would've destroyed the friendship we already have..." I said completely depressed. Honestly, there was so much I wanted to tell her before I dropped her off at college, but my mind couldn't help but to display all the possible consequences of my words to her. One being never talking or seeing her again. I couldn't risk it.

"Oh...I see, I know this sounds so cliche and you've probably have heard it a million times before..." She paused, "but give it time." Shanelli said encouraging me. "Like you said, even though she sees you as you, she still thinks you're a celebrity, and you are, her mindset right now is that you'll probably forget about her since you have more important things to do"

"But I don't want to loose---"

"Yes I know, but honestly put yourself in her shoes for a moment. You're 'Prince Royce' you have girls falling for you and work to do, you are not going to leave that behind for one college girl... You get me" Shanelli put it in clear for me. "If you really like her like you say you do, never stop talking to her, it'll show her that she's wrong, and maybe who knows you'll see her again eventually!"

I started smiling. She's right! Shanelli is so right. I know I won't have many chances to see her considering I'm working on a new album for this year, but that doesn't mean I won't stop talking to her.

"Thanks Nelli!" I hugged my sister.

"Hey anytime, I hate seeing you depressed." She hugged me back, "but I love this Lilly girl already, after Eme, she's the only girl that has made you smile like an idiot in such a long time" she teased and I shook my head. "Ahh! Don't deny it!" She shoved it in my face, I could already feel myself blushing, wait what?

"Ahh! Te esta enamorando!!" She squealed in happiness.

"Stop Nelli!" I tired to hide my face.

"Aww mi querido hermano!" She hugged me tight, "Lilly is an amazing girl, try to be her friend, if she hides things, it because she isn't going to trust you with personal things right away, you just met her, so be there for her, no matter how much she rejects it"

That reminds me... If Jelli ever told Shanelli about Lilly, then I can snag some information from her. I want to help Lilly, I know she's been through depressing situations, maybe I can understand what's wrong.

"Hey do you remember Jelli talking to you about some friend of hers that was going through a rough time?" I asked.

She gave me a look, that was completely off guard and change of subject. "Uhh yeah what about it..?"

"Tell me what she said"

"Ok what the hell does this have to do with Lilly?" Shanelli crossed her arms.

"Because, I think Jelli was talking about Lilly." I made my point clear, she gasped for a second and quickly got on track.

"Wait no! You don think--"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure Jelli was asking for your advice to help her 'friend' which I'm positive was Lilly."

"It makes sense now..." She said to herself, but I still heard it.

"Tell me!"

"Jelli didn't say much details, but...."


Hey guys... Ok first off let me apologize for leaving this story to basically die. Honestly, that's not like me, I was just trying to hard to finish TREM I completely left this one and another of my stories to just sit there. So I'm really sorry for that. Don't think I gave up on this, I do have plans for this story. I'm just a failure at multitasking that's all 🔫 Also, sorry for this suck ass, boring short chapter. But I know I really had to update this, so yeah. But still what do you think Shanelli will tell Royce about Lilly's past?

Thanks for your love and support 💋💕 agin, sorry for not updating this in over a month. I'll try to update more often like I used to. 💕👏

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