Chapter 19: "Who's Royce?"

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Chapter 19


Angel and Luis dropped me off at my first class of the semester, which was one of my favorites. I reach for my laptop to start editing my editorial for this class. The professor doesn't greet us or anything, we know what we're suppose to do, I'm guessing he's too hungover to even acknowledge us. The first day back from a months break can be really hard, I dread what my other professors have in stock for me.

I exhale my thoughts away, and focus on finishing my editorial for the newspaper. One aspect I do love is getting to finish my work early, email it, and be out of class. Editorials are easy, I only take half an hour to finish. I confidently shut my laptop and place it in my bag and exit the room. I have no where else to go but to meet Angel and Luis at the dinning hall for lunch.

The two guys who I consider my brothers, were arguing about sports, sat at our round table. I shake my head in amusement hearing their debate about the Detroit Lions.

"Nigga Bush only knows how to do one thing, and that was fucking Kim K ok, he sucks as the new running back--" Angel was arguing with Luis about I'm assuming last nights game.

"Get the fuck out here!" Luis snapped back while eating his burger. "He's doing pretty good better then our last guy, the defense is gonna kick ass this year."

I finally decided to interrupt them, "What are you guys doing?" I sat down next to Luis and took the apple he had in his tray and bit into it.

"Aqui con el pinche gordo de Luis." Angel said in amusement.

"Gorda tu abuela pendejo, yo estoy a dieta." He said bluntly and bit into his burger. I tried to hold in my laughter, but couldn't. Luis always has a comeback no matter what.

"I'll be back, let me get something real quick." I got up from my sit, but Luis joined me.

"Yeah me too, aver que ahi en esta madre." He said and I shook my head again in amusement. Being with both of them did rid my mind off Royce for a while, I found it impossible for him not to escape my mind, but having Luis and Angel having their fits and me laughing after a long time, it was as if I've never met Geoffrey.

Luis and I walked up to the snacks bar, I was analyzing what I wanted while he ordered his favorite, chips with queso.

"You still haven't told me how you passed the holidays with your parents." Luis said as I grabbed a Fiji water and fruits, but my eyes became wider and I knew he noticed. He looked at me trying to figure me out. I didn't tell them about spending it by myself or with Mari till Royce came.

"Um it was ok, I guess." I made my self seem cool to not raise any suspicions.

Luis arched an eye brow looking at me, "Ah huh?"

"What?" I said innocently.

"Are you--"

"What will you be having?" The overly excited blonde at the register said to Luis. He took a moment to stop questioning me to make his order. "Chips with queso." He said flatly and turned back to me. He opened his mouth to start questioning me again, but the blonde interrupted him.

"I'm sorry what?"

Luis glanced back to the blonde, "Chips with queso." He repeated. He glanced back to me for a split second and the blonde interrupted him again.

"OHH!" She said finally understanding what he said, "Chips with KAYSO! Coming right up."

My hand came up to my mouth as I tried not to burst out laughing. Luis squinted his eyes in annoyance, you'd think that by know we be used to all the gringas in campus, but no.

"Pendeja." He muttered and glanced back to me, but once again the blonde interrupted him with now his order in hand.

"Here you go!" She smiled.

"Thanks." Luis said flatly and I followed him back to the table while snickering at what just happened. Hey, it got him to stop questioning me, that's all I wanted.

But the questioning didn't end there, when we reached the table and sat down, Angel had my phone in his hands, his eye brows furrowed together.

"You still haven't told us what happened with your parents." Luis said taking a bite from his chips. I unscrewed my Fiji water and took a sip, followed by opening my bag of strawberries and kiwis.

"Uh.." I started while I ripped opened the plastic bag containing my fruit. "It was ok, my mom dramatic as always.." I started making up a story. Angel was completely oblivious to us as I continued. "She was being so--"

"Who's Royce?"

I halted when I heard his name, I looked up to Angel who was holding my new iPhone 5 in front of me and Luis showing all the incoming text messages showing 'Royce ❤️'

"Fuck! I completely forgot to change his name in my phone!" I thought to myself. I pursed my lips together and knew what was coming my way, interrogation.

"You little bitch!" Luis exclaimed, the softness was heard through his gay voice, "You didn't spend it with your family, but this Royce huh?!"

"Uh..." I started.

"Is he cute?" Luis got all excited and snatched the phone from Angel's hands and tried to guess my lock code.

"Lilly..." Angel had a grin on his face, but I knew they wouldnt leave me alone about the subject till I answered them. They left me with no other choice but to lie, and I hate lying to them.

"Well..." I started.

Hi guys! I know it's been sooooo long! But now that TREM is ending I will be updating this story more often now! But what do yall think Lilly will say to Angel and Luis? Let me know!

Also, I will be updating TREM after this, but you guys will probably be asleep so aye you'll wake up with a new chapter of TREM, which is the last 😩😭 but hey I'll make it happy! 👌💕

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