Chapter 1

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I'm woken up by the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock. I roll over in bed and slam my hand down on top of it, sending it flying off my nightstand. I groan and get out of bed, and unplug the stupid alarm clock. I sigh and the sweet silence.

"Honey? What was that?" My aunt Jenna yells up the stairs at me

"Alarm clock problems." I yell back in response.

"Again?" She laughs "Breakfast is ready."

"I'll be down in 5." I yell down the stairs at her.

I open my closet and stare at the clothes inside trying to decide on what to wear. I finally decide on a pair of faded skinny jeans, a hoodie that says 'rebel' across the chest of it, and my high top converse. I brush my hair deciding to leave it down today, and throw on some makeup. I look at my self in the mirror before rushing downstairs.

"Hey sweetie. Excited about today?" Aunt Jenna asks handing me a plate of eggs, bacon and a piece of toast.

"Nope. Not in the least. I'm nervous though." I tell her as I eat my food.

"You'll do great sweetie. I gotta get to work early this morning. Remember, leave the house at no later than 7:45 to make it to school on time. Lock the doors and..." She tells me as she runs around the kitchen grabbing all her stuff

"Make sure I have my keys." I smile at her.

"Smart ass." She kisses the top of my head. "Have a good day I love you."

"I love you too." I yell as she walks out the door.

I grab my phone and check the time, '7:40'. I sigh and grab my back pack. I lock the door and head to my car. My car is a silver, convertible jeep wrangle. My mom got it for my on my 16th birthday. I remember waking up and her rushing into my room blindfolding me and yanking me from my room into the garage. In there my dad threw me the keys and it was mine. I sigh and the memory and get in. I throw my bag in the passenger seat and head to school.

When I get to school the parking lot is full. I drive around until I find a spot. It's right next to a truck surrounded by at least 10 guys. Great I think to myself. I pull into the parking space and get out of my car.

"Hey. Looking good girl." One of the Guys whistles over at me

I roll my eyes and keep walking. When I get inside I start looking for the office. I must look as lost as I feel cause after about 4 minutes of me standing here someone walks up to me.

"You must be new here." She says

She has long dark brown, almost black hair. She has brown eyes, and is about my height.

"That noticeable huh?" I nervously joke rubbing the back o my neck

"A little." She laughs. "Hey, I'm Octavia Blake."

I shake her hand. "Clarke Griffin."

"Well Clarke, follow me to the office. I'll show you around on the way there too if you'd like." She offers

I think about it before I answer. "That would be great. Thank you."

As we walk through the many hallways she shows me where all the bathrooms are, what class room is which, etc.

"This is the office." She stops. Holding her arm out pointing at it.

"Thank you Octavia." I tell her

I walk up to get my schedule. When I turn around there's Octavia breathing down my neck.

"What classes do you have? Maybe we have some together." She asks excitedly

I hand her my schedule. She reads over it before her eyes get all big and her jaw drops. "We have all classes together."

"That's amazing." I smile.

"Come on. Don't wanna be late." She grabs my arm and pulls us towards our first class.

We walk down the hallway until we stop. She points at the class room. Room 39. She motions for me to walk in, so I do and she follows behind me.

"You must be new, I'm Mr. Pike." The teacher greets me and shakes my hand.

"Clarke Griffin."

"Well Clarke, welcome to earth science. Please, take a seat anywhere." He motions towards the almost empty class room.

Octavia leads me to a table with 4 empty chairs. After about 5 minutes more people started coming in. Some sitting at our table.

"Hey Raven. I've missed you!" Octavia exclaims standing up to hug this Raven girl.

She had long brown hair that is tied back in a ponytail, she's wearing blue skinny jeans and a red jacket.

"Octavia!" She exclaims back

"Raven this is Clarke, Clarke this is Raven."

We smile at each other and shake hands. After about 5 more minutes 3 more people walk in and sit at our table. I'm slowly become more nervous as more people join the table.

Once all 6 seats at the table are full Octavia get everyones attention. "Okay everyone this is Clarke, Clarke this is Finn, Jasper, and Monty. Finn and Raven are dating and Jasper and Monty act like their dating but their actually just besties."

"I actually have a girlfriend. He name is Maya."  The boy, Jasper, claims.

"The mystery Maya that none of us have met. I'm starting to think she's fake." Monty says

"She's not fake. She's in Michigan with her parents. And she doesn't even go to this school. She goes to mount weather high." Jasper defends Maya

"I still can't believe your dating the enemy school." Finn says

While we wait for the teacher to start class I learn that Finn is on the football team, Monty and Jasper enjoy getting high in their free time, Raven is a badass at Mechanics and Octavia has a brother.

"Good morning students and welcome back." The teacher gets everyone's attention. "We have a few new students in class with us today so I decided to do something a little different today to start the year. I want everyone to write a 3 paragraph paper. I want the first paragraph to be about yourself, the second to be about your summer, and the third can be about whatever you want. We will begin reading these in front of the class tomorrow."

We all get our paper and pencils. I started writing. The first paragraph was going to be really easy for me.

My name is Clarke Griffin. I am 17 years old. I moved here during the summer and now I live with my Aunt. We have a pet dog, her name is Lucy. I used to live in New York, me and my friends would call it the city of light. We never had a reason it was just a pointless inside joke.

I take a break before I start my second paragraph. What happened over the summer? Well let's see, me and my parents got into a head on collision with a semi truck, both my parents died, we had their funeral, I moved here to live with my aunt Jenna and hardly left the house. My summer sucked and now I have to write about it? Ugh. I take a deep breath as I start the second paragraph.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It will be a lot slower, working up to Bellarke compared to my other one. Don't forget to vote😊

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