Chapter 19

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I wake up to find myself still in my car, parked outside my house. I don't even remember when I got home or why I slept in my car. I grab my phone to check the time, I growl and thro it back down on the seat when I find out it's dead. I grab my shit and go inside. I throw it all on the couch and make myself some breakfast. Since it's Sunday I don't have to go to school and she Bellamy. I make myself some eggs and toast.

I can't help but find myself thinking about Bellamy. As much as I should hate him I can't, I don't think I ever will. I loved him with all my heart, and I still do. I decide to watch the news,  I don't know why I just do. My phone goes off and I pause the news to answer it.


"Clarke it's me Octavia. I saw your note, and I'm not gonna push you to tell me what happened but know I'm here for you. I'm not even gonna say I told you so."

"I appreciate O. But what's up?"

"Bell never came home last night. That or he left. I don't know but he's not here."

"He's probably still at Miller's. Call there and see."

"Thanks Clarke! I'll let you know if he is."

"Don't bother."

I hang uptake phone and un-pause the news. The news always bores me, but today it's kinda Interesting. There talking about forest fires and how to prevent a house fire.

"Now Tim, fires can be pretty scary but you know what else is pretty scary?" The news guy says looking to the person sitting beside him

"What else can be pretty scary George."

"Car crashes that's what."

"Your right. Legs hand it off to Jack to talk about them."

I'm watching as they talk about the roads that are closed due to car crashes. Or how many people survived a 3 car crash. Suddenly I see Bellamy's car show up on the screen. It's flipped on to its roof.

"We got a call about this crash at about 1:30am last night. There was only one person inside, tall, about 5,7", has dark brown curly hair. His name according to his drivers license is Bellamy Blake. He was alive and unconscious when medics arrived at the scene around 1:35am. He was transported via ambulance to the nearest hospital. If you have any information please call the number on your screen."

I'm frozen. He was drunk and he drove, how stupid could he be. I should hate him for cheating on me, but right now my only feeling towards him is worry. I rush to my car and start to drive to the hospital. I know Octavia never watches the news so she won't know about this so I call her.

"Hey Clarke what's up?"

"O listen. Your brother was in a car crash."


"I'm going to stop and grab you to go to the hospital. Be ready."


When we arrive at the hospital we're both a mess. We run inside and up to the desk.

"We're here for Bellamy Blake."

"What's your relationship with the patient."

"I'm his sister this is his..." She looks at me

"I'm his friend."

"He's in room 159. Down the hall and to the left. But I'm sorry, only family can go back at this time."


"Go. He needs you and you need to go see your brother. I'll wait out here."

She rubs my arm before she runs back. I take a seat in the waiting room and wait.


I must have fallen asleep because I'm being waken up by Octavia shaking me and saying my name.

"How long was I asleep?"

"I was with Bell for about a half hour and I just got out here so that long."

"How is he?" I ask

"You can see yourself. I talked the nurse into letting you see him."

A late night post because I feel bad for not updating that much and I can't sleep😂

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