Chapter 17

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Thirty minutes later and both me and Bellamy were ready to go. The drive to Millers was only 25 minutes. Me and Bellamy just listened to the radio for the drive there. When we got there Miller met us outside, he has 3 beers.

"One for you, and one for you." He says as he hands me and Bellamy each a beer. "And one for me." He takes a drink of his.

"There's a lot of cars here for being low key Miller." Bellamy questions

I look around and see that there are indeed a lot of cars. It doesn't bother me.

"Yea about that. Word got out that I was having a party, and you know man, people can't resist a good party. And I throw one hell of a party."

Bellamy just laughs and we walk inside. On the way inside Miller tells us a few people we know that should be here. He didn't invite Octavia because he didn't know how Bell would react. Since Miller and Bellamy are older than me I don't know many people here.

Me and Bellamy follow Miller into the kitchen where he hands us each another beer.

"I'm good. Thanks thought." I say, not accepting the beer

Bellamy finished his first beer and takes the second one from Miller. Miller leaves us to go mingle and talk to everyone. Me and Bellamy push our way through the people to the snack table. We stand there and eat the chips for a while.


We've been here for an hour and a half now. Bellamy's talked to a few people but I haven't seen anyone I know. Bellamy keeps introducing me to his friends as 'his girlfriend' and every time he does it send shivers down my spine and I smile wide. I love hearing him call me that. Bellamy's had way more beers than I've had, I've only had one.

"Hey Clarke!" I hear someone yell from across the room

I look around and see Murphy coming over to us.

"Hey Murphy."

"Hey Clarke. Bellamy."

"What do you want Murphy?" Bellamy asks


"I thought I'd come over and say hey. I haven't seen you guys in a while."

"Well you've said hey you can go now."

"Murphy stay there." I turn and face Bellamy. "Bellamy. You are drunk. You need to stop being a dick and go sober up."

"I can go Clarke I just wanted to say hi."

"Yea, you should go."

"Bellamy Blake. What's your problem?"

"I wanted to hang out with my girlfriend. But Murphy here is ruining that."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "If you wanted to hang out with just me you should have brought me to a damn party."

"I asked if you wanted to go and you said yes."

"I thought it would be fun. Your the one who said we should go."

"Whatever. I'm going to go get a drink."

He turns around to leave but I grab his arm. "Don't you think you've had enough to drink Bellamy?"

"What are you my mom?"

I ignore him. I let go of his arm and he glares at Murphy before leaving the room. I sigh and walk past Murphy to go outside. Murphy thankfully follows. I go and sit on the porch.

"I hate parties." I mumble as Murphy sits next to me.

"You've been to two and nothing good has happened at either."

"Something has. You were there for me both times. I'm thankful for you. Your a good friend Murphy."

"Thanks Clarke. Ditto."

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "I suppose I should go get Bellamy and drive him home before he does anything stupid."

"Need help?"

"I think I got it. Thanks thought."

"Good luck."


Have two updates today since I haven't updated in forever😀

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