Chapter 6

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I wake up to a sticky note stuck to my forehead. The note reads.

Hey Clarkie. We waited for you to wake up until 11 then we got tired of waiting and ran to the store real quick. We left at about 11:30, we shouldn't be more than an hour. Love Raven and Octavia.

I sigh and crumble up the paper. I throw it behind me. I never hear it hit the ground so I turn around and see Bellamy standing there holding it.

"You just wake up too?" I ask

"Nope. I've been up for a few hours now." He walks into the kitchen and I follow. "Hungry?"

"What are you making?"


Clarke follows me into the kitchen and jumps on the counter in front of me. She's different. She's really pretty, and she seems like she has a great personality. I want to get to know her better but I don't want it to be weird since she is my sisters friend.


"What are you making?" She asks

"I was thinking, well my sister got me hooked on avocado toast. I could make that?"

"Never has it. Make it!"

I make the toast and we sit in the living room and eat the toast. I get up to put the plates back in the living room when Clarke stops me.

"I got it. You made breakfast."

She grabs my plate and stands up. When she stands up she drops the plates and falls down. She lands on top of the broken glass and slices her hand pretty deep.

"Clarke are you okay?" I bend down beside her

"I'm fine. This happens when I stand up to fast. I get dizzy and fall over. But my hand needs stitches."


After an hour and a half of sitting in the waiting room we're finally called back to get Clarke's hand looked at. They sit her on the table and they rub numbing gel on the hand.

"I'll be back in 15 minutes to stitch her up."

Clarke's phone rings as the lady leaves. She asks me to check it so I grab it out of her bag. It's Octavia. I read the text out loud.

O~ where are you? My doushy brother isn't home. Woot woot house to ourselves.

"Wow, that's nice Octavia." I mumble.

Clarke laughs. "Call her and tell her what happened.


After the stitches I decided to bring Clarke out for ice cream. I don't know why I was being so nice to her but it felt right. We went to the board walk at Santa Cruz and decided to walk around for a little bit. I managed to talk Clarke into going on a roller coaster with me called the 'Giant dipper.'

We bought the tickets and waited in line. The line went by super fast. While we were standing in line Clarke started to shake.

"We don't have to do this." I tell her

"You want to. After everything you've done for me today I'll go on this with you."

We finally get on the ride. We're in the front. The ride starts and I put and arm around Clarke. She scoots as close as she can to me, under the safety bar. We start to climb up a big drop and she starts to panic. She burrows her face into my chest and I wrap my arms around her. When we get to the top the ride slows down and then we go down the biggest drop on the ride. She screams and grabs my shirt in her hands. 

"That sucked!" She exclaims as we're getting off

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." I laugh

"Let's get some ice cream and go home okay?" She asks 

We got the ice cream and sat down at a table. We talk while we eat the ice cream.


When we entered the house Raven and Octavia both grabbed Clarke and took her up to Octavia's room. I heard them laughing all the way up to her room and then the door being slammed.

I had a great day with Bellamy, which was odd. He seemed like such a jerk when I met him. I haven't known him for very long but I can already tell that over the years he has built up these walls. And the only person that has the power to break down those walls is Octavia.

When we got back to his And Octavia's house I went to turn around and thank him for everything but Octavia and Raven pulled me upstairs before I could.

"Earth to Clarke. Come in." Octavia says breaking me out of my thought.


"Your like day dreaming. I asked why you spent the day with my brother." 

"I woke up and you guys left. He made me breakfast and I fell." I showed them my hand. "I needed almost a dozen stitches and he brought me to the hospital. Then we decided to get ice cream."

"Wow. You should have texted us." Raven says

"I know. Next time I will."

We all laugh.


Ahh, I go home in 3 days and then I'll be back to posting more often.

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