Chapter 12

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It's been a week since we had the movie night at my house. A week since me and Bellamy decided to be just friends. It hasn't been easy but being friends was a lot better than hating each other. I've been able to hang out at their house again. I pretty much live at the Blake's house. With my aunt gone I get pretty lonely.

"Hey, What do you losers want for Dinner?" Bellamy yells at us from the kitchen

"Actually, I have a date." Octavia says looking at her watch. "And he's picking me up in and hour, shit I have to get ready."

She runs upstairs. The next thing we hear is the  bathroom door being slammed shut and the shower being turned on. Me and Bellamy both laugh. Bellamy comes and sits on the couch.

"Little sister am I right?" He jokes

"I wouldn't know. Don't have one."

"I know." He says and scoots closer to me.

Our legs are now touching. I look over at him and find him already staring at me, I blush as our eyes meet.

"Your cute when you blush." He smirks


He leans over and kisses me. Oh, have I mentioned that we've hooked up a few times this past week. We haven't slept together, we've just made out a few times. 3 to be exact. I know it's wrong since he is still with Echo, but he kissed me first. I just went with the flow. Our lips moved in sync, as if they were meant to be. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and tangle my hands in his hair. Bellamy swipes his tongue over my bottom lip asking for permission, before I can grant it to him Octavia comes running down the stairs. We pull away before she sees anything. Damn she showers fast.

"Sorry, girl in a towel don't look. I forgot my dress down here." He says as she scurried through the living room to the laundry room.

"She showers fast." I whisper to Bellamy

"I know." He laughs "We'll continue it later."

I know what your thinking. You should stop, he has a girlfriend. Who he's cheating on, with you! But I just can't stop. I've tried.


"Octavia you look fucking hot!" I exclaim as she walks down the stairs.

"I know! And I did it in all less than an hour." She squeals

"I hope your have a great night O." I hug her

"He better not do anything to you. I'll fuck him up if he hurts you." Bellamy threatens

There's a knock on the door.

"That must be Lincoln. Bell, stay there." She says as she walks to answer the door.

"Little sisters huh?" I mock Bellamy

He rolls his eyes at me.

"Bell, Clarke this is Lincoln. Lincoln this is my brother Bellamy and my bestfriend Clarke."

We get introduced and Bellamy does his whole "hurt her I'll ruin you" big brother speech and they leave.

"Bellamy, relax. She can handle her self. Plus, Lincoln loves her. Did you see the way he looked at her?" I tell Bellamy

"How'd He look at her?" He asks walking over to stand in front of me.

"Like She was his entire world, like she was the air he breathed, and if he didn't have her he'd die. You could tell he wants to spend his life with her." I stop and smile. "It's what everyone wants. What I want." I mumble the last part.

"I look at you like that." He whispers

I back away. "You shouldn't. You should look at Echo, your girlfriend, like that. Not me, your sisters bestfriend."

He walks away and goes upstairs. What just happened? He just walked away. After a few seconds he comes back down, but he's on the phone. He stands in front of me again and puts the phone on speaker. Who is he calling?

"Hey baby." A girl answers.

He called Echo. I roll my eyes when I realize who he called. He just chuckles and turns his attention back to the phone call.

"Echo, we have to talk."

"What's wrong babe? Is everything alright? Do I need to come over and make you feel better?" She seductively asks thought the phone.

I look at Bellamy confused. I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist. "Wait." He mouths to me.

"No Echo. Actually, I'm breaking up with you." He blurts out.

I freeze. Is he breaking up with her because of me. I don't know how I feel about that. I stand there for a minute before I smile.

"What? Why?" Echo chokes out

"We don't feel right anymore. It's not you, it's me."

"Whatever. I hate you Bellamy Blake. Go to hell!" She screams and hangs up

He sets his phone down on the table and grabs my hands.

"You did that for me?" I ask

"No. For us."

"Bell, I still don't think we should date."

"We don't have to date." He pauses. "After all I did just get out of a relationship. I don't think I'm ready to hop into a new one." He laughs

"Your an ass." I laugh

I slap his chest. He smiles down at me and I smile back at him. He leans down and kisses me. This feels right. We feel right. God, Why'd I have to fall for my best-friends brother?!

It's been a fat minute since I posted. Longer chapter I'm sorry. Octavia's date outfit is up top if you care.😂🤷‍♀️

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