Chapter 18

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I walk into the house and start looking for Bellamy. I check every room downstairs and still haven't found him. I ask a few people and everyone is either to drunk or don't care. I walk around a little before I finally find Miller.

"Miller, please tell me your not drunk."

He laughs. "I'm not drunk. But what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Bellamy. Have you seen him."

"No I haven't. Check the basement and the upstairs. He could have gone to the bathroom. Or go the fridge in the basement for more beer. I keep the good stuff down there."

"Damnit." I mumble. "Thanks Miller.

I run down to the basement. His basement is huge. I check all the closets and everywhere, and Bellamy's not down here.

I run back upstairs and look around one last time before going upstairs. When I don't find Bellamy I head upstairs. I take a deep breath before I start checking the rooms. I hope that I don't find him in a room with someone. It will literally break me.

I check all the bedrooms and he's not in any of them. I let out a sigh of relief as I check the bathroom. He wasn't in the bathroom. I notice a door at the end of the hall I didn't check, a closet. I make my way to the closet and stop just before me hand opens the door. What would I do if Bellamy is in here with a girl. I stop myself. No Clarke. He's dating you, he loves you. You have to trust him.

I open the door and I can feel my heart break. The one thing I was hoping I wouldn't see I saw. I see Bellamy kissing a girl. Her hands are playing with his belt. I feel the tear pool up in my eyes. I run away before either of them can say anything. I hear Bellamy run after me calling my name but I ignore him. I run all the way out of the house. When I get outside I stop. The tears already falling. I feel like such an idiot. I should never have trusted him.

I hear him call my name again. I start running
again, and I don't stop until I'm at his house. Luckily I have a key so I don't need Bellamy or Octavia to let me in. I run up to his room and grab my school bag, I shove all my stuff in it. I storm downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed the notepad of the fridge and leave Bellamy a note. The note said:

Bellamy. I just want you to know how much I love you. I saw a future with you, I saw us raising kids together, in a house that we bought together. I wanted to have you kids! I hate you, I hate you for what I saw tonight. But I hate myself for trusting you, and believing you. I hate myself for being so stupid as to be in love with you. You broke my heart and yet here I am taking my time to tell you all this. I don't think I'll ever truly be ever to fully hate you, because deep down I still love you with all my heart. Even after what you just put me through.
Here is your key. I don't want it anymore. I packed all my stuff from your room. I'm staying at my house. I don't want to stay in the same house as you.

I dont know if the note made sense, I can't think straight. I haven't stopped crying since the party. I slam the key on the counter and leave. I get in my car and drive home. The drive home was difficult. I had to keep stopping to wipe my tears away so I could see. I hated this. I hated what he did too me. I just wish I could go back in time and take it all back.


I have 6 pre written chapters. That's not important I just wanted to share that😂🤣

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