Chapter 16

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Bellamy looks at me confused. I've never told him about my Uncle Bill. I never though I'd have to see him again in my life.

"Hey Clarke. Look how grown you are."

"Don't. You can't do this. You don't get to abandon me for 8 years and then suddenly come back. I've moved on."

"I didn't abandon you Clarke. I love you so much. The 8 years I was fine was some of the most painful times of my life."

I feel the tears form in my eyes, I blink them away. "You should leave Bill."

"Clarke, were family. With your swing Jenna gone you need me."

The anger inside of me boils up and I just snap. "I don't need you! Not now. I needed you when I was 8 years old! Do you know how hard it was for me?"


"No! You left us. You left me! I don't want to hear it. I just want you to go." I take a deep breath

He sighs and go finally just leaves. When he's gone I feel the tears begin to fall down my face. Bellamy wraps me up in a hug and makes me feel better.

"How about I make some tea and you can talk to me?" Bellamy says

I nod to let him know I agree with him. He kisses my head and goes to make tea.


"I wanna start off by telling you why I hate him so much." I say

"I'm all ears."

"When I was 8 years old Aunt Jenna got cancer. Jenna and Bill were married, but Bill couldn't handle Jenna having cancer so he took off. Leaving her and everyone behind. Jenna went to several doctors appointments before they found a treatment that might work. She had to go through chemo. She lost all her hair and became super skinny and weak." I take a breath and wipe the stray tear off my cheek.

"Clarke, you don't have to tell me." Bell says

"I want to. It's just a sore subject." I take another breath and continue. "Anyway, Jenna got really bad there for a while. The chemo was working just not as good as they were hoping it would. Everyone had lost hope at this point, even Jenna, no one thought she was going to make it. But she's a fighter, she made it. This was through our 5 months. We tried to call Bill everyday. We never got an answer."

"I'm so sorry."

I weakly smile at him. "The 6th month of chemo the doctors said she was cancer free. No one really knew how since we thought the chemo wasnt working all that great. The doctors said she's cancer free but it could come back at any time. It hasn't yet. But it still scares me."

"That's great the it hasn't came back thought."

"Yea." I smile at him. "Let's change the topic."

Bell's phone dings and he checks it. He texts someone back and looks up at me. "Wanna stay in tonight or go out tonight?"

"Let's go out tonight. What do you have in mind?"

"My friend Miller's having a party. Low key just some friends of his. He invited me."

"Let me go get ready and we can go."


God I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry. I have been busy with school and ughh

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