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Worst day ever,
Maybe I'm exaggerating.
But today I felt so embarrassed and pathetic.

I don't think I've ever been this self conscious.

The morning was great, Laurie and I were actually getting along fine.
And my friends and I were laughing all morning about stupid things.

I felt good.
I wasn't feeling sad or stressed at all.
Even if we were waiting to do our exam that is worth a lot.

We started playing "truth or dare".

Laurie told me
"Go see....A group of guys and ask if......
Your hand is too big *laughs*"

Easy, I told myself.

I picked the worst guys ever,
They are dumb and like to make fun of people.
Of course I didn't feel nervous or anything
I'm social!

"Hey I have a *laugh* question...."
"Is my hand too big?"
"No, but your body is."

I wish I could've said
Did you now see yourself? You're fkg ugly!
You should worry more about yourself than about others...Because you are disgusting.

I didn't have the courage to, I felt so embarrassed and insulted.
I didn't know what to say, all of the jerks were laughing.

I walked back to my friends looking at the ground...

"What happened?", said Laurie.
"Why were they laughing at you?", said Brooke.
"Because Elio called me fat! And it doesn't matter because it's true."
"What the fuck, it isn't true! I'm going to talk to that asshole.", said Laurie.

Laurie and Brooke went to see him.
I didn't have anything to say, the girls and guys were telling me that it wasn't true...
But I know that it is.
Elio is right...
I shouldn't even eat...

It was Laurie's fault, since she told me to tell them that as a dare.
But it isn't her fault that I'm fat.

I actually felt a little better yesterday and this morning, but Elio ruined it...
He made me feel so self conscious...
I was afraid to see him and his gang,
because I know that they will laugh at me.

During the exam I kept thinking about it,
I will probably get a horrible grade.

And that night, like every other I felt empty.

I self-harmed again and not only that, I made myself throw up.

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