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It's been a few days, Elio's words are still in my head.
I've been trying not to eat as much, and I've been making myself throw up.
I know, I shouldn't but I'm fat...
People are still saying
"oh Anne it isn't true!"
But it is!
Laurie texted him, defending me.
I guess that it did make me feel a little better, since it's always drama between Laurie and I.

I'm still depressed, or just disappointed in myself.
I should've taken care of myself, maybe I would be skinny.
All through elementary I was called fat and ugly, but it never hurt me as bad as it does now.
I feel like people are judging me, I am self conscious.

I have the urge to cut myself more often, when I'm stressed or sad.
Even in school during class, I usually don't think of it but now It's constantly in my mind.

I've been hiding from Mom, I really hope that she doesn't see what I did.

I've been trying to get my mind of things, for exemple I play guitare I use my phone, I study...
But no matter what I do, I'm always feeling this way.
I can't explain it...But I hate it.

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