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I spent a useless day at the hospital crying the whole time. All the doctor told me, was that I should get a call for a psychologist. She said that it would be quick, I guess we'll see about that.
The worst part about that day, was that Laurie commented on my story saying mean things. Again, like as if she knew everything.
She finished off saying "I'm glad I hurt you, now you have a taste of what hurt is"

I tried to forget it and move on.
The next day was a school trip, it was so fun.
Except that Laurie confronted me again, saying a whole bunch of shit.
I'm TIRED of this!
When will she leave me the fuck alone?
She has no friends, that's why she's wasting her time trying to make me feel bad when it honestly doesn't even matter.

I've learned that friends like that, are not worth it. If you can't take it anymore, then you don't need to force yourself to be with them. And if they try to make you feel miserable, then they are the ones who are miserable because they can't move on.

I finally focused on myself, being with people who I feel comfortable with and being me.
I deserve to be happy.

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