Chapter 14: The Main Base

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~Gilt-1A Main Base. June 7th, 2077. 3:50 PM.~

The crew walked into the base with their disguises. They rubbed their cloaks in the desert sand so they would look the part. "Welcome, travelers. Enjoy your stay." The soldier said. "It worked! They bought it!" Jtracia whispered. "It did. Now we just act normal. Maybe walk around and go into places." Tony said. "There could be soldiers in those places, so it wouldn't be a waste of time if we went in there." Michelle said. "Correct! Now let's go eat some fo...I mean find out where the artifacts are!" Tony said.

"Wait why do androids have restaurants?" Jtracia asked while the crew walked into a restaurant. "I think it's for the intergalactic visitors." James said. "Makes sense, but why would they be in restaurants?" Jtracia asked. "To protect the restaurant from any dangers. Also we need to be quiet. They might ambush us or mindwipe us or something." James said. "Ok I'll try to be quiet." Jtracia said. They went into line. The line was pretty long. "Man I didn't know this planet was popular!" Jtracia said. "I don't think it is. On the map of the base it says that this is the only restaurant, so I see why this line would be kinda long." Tony said. "This place is more of a city than a base." Michelle said. "That is true. This place does seem to have a lot of citizens." James said. After a few minutes they reached the front of the line. On the menu they saw cuisine from many different planets. Even having the cacti from Salem. "Yes!" Michelle said happily as she noticed that the cacti was up there. They all ordered their food. James got pasta, Tony got space bacon, Michelle obviously got the purple Salem cacti, and Elias got chocolate pancakes.

There were androids at the table right next to them. They were talking about the artifacts. "Wait where are the artifacts?" Android-2834 asked. "They're in the only skyscraper in the city of course! Why would you ask that question?" Android-6106 asked. "Just wondering. I'm from the second biggest base on this planet. The one that has 850. I haven't been here before since I'm kinda new." Android-2834 said. "Ah. Well it's in the basement if you're wondering." Android-6106 said. "Ok thanks I'll head there now." Android-2834 said. "I'll go with you just in case." Android-6106 said. The androids walked out of the restaurant to head for the artifact location. "Well we know where we're heading after this." Tony said. "Yep. To that skyscraper!" James said. "Don't you think it could be a set-up? Jtracia asked. "It's possible, but these androids are kind of stupid. I don't think they'd be able to come up with something like that." Tony said. "Ok then, but I think they're going to." Jtracia said. "We'll see." Tony said.

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