Chapter 16: Ambushed

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~Gilt-1A Main Base Skyscraper. June 7th, 2077. 4:45 PM~

The androids shot at the crew. The crew quickly got to cover. Surprisingly none of them were shot. The crew grabbed out the only guns they had, which were prototype rifles that were able to shrink so they could stay hidden. The guns were your standard A-class automatic rifle except it had prototype shrinking technology. "Good thing we got these prototypes!" Michelle said. "That's true! Thanks for suggesting we take them Michelle!" James said shooting at androids. "No problem!" Michelle said also shooting at enemies. "Focus on the enemies. Not on the the guns that we have." Jacob said. "Right." James said. The whole crew were shooting at androids. The androids kept coming. Every android that went down seemed to add two more to the battle. "This is going to be a long day..." Tony said.

After about ten minutes the crew were still firing at the androids. They were starting to run out of ammo. "Look guys I know we're gun ninjas here since we've killed hundreds of androids so far and they haven't even shot any of us. But we're running out of ammo so we're going to need to think of an actual plan. Maybe pick up any of the guns that these androids have." Tony said. "Ok let's do it." James said. All of the crew members reached for the nearest gun. Elias got his right hand shot when he reached for one. "Crap!" Elias said in pain. "Didn't we bring hidden pistols?" Tony said. "Oh yeah I can use that. It'll be hard to aim though since I shoot with my right." Elias said still in pain. Elias got his pistol and shot androids with it. Most of his bullets didn't hit, while some did. They then kept shooting at the androids. Just then an android snuck up behind Michelle. James tackled the android before it did anything to her. Michelle looked behind her. "Thanks James!" Michelle said. "Just protecting someone I care about!" James said. "I appreciate it!" Michelle said.

Almost all of the androids were shot in the room. "These androids are pushovers!" Tony said. "I think it's because we went up against a moon base." Elias said. "You're right. We do have skill that has developed over the years so this is easy for us." Tony said. All of the androids were shot and killed in the room. Well, most of them. "Is that all of them? That was easy! Let's go get the artifacts!" James said. "Not so fast!" Android-6106 said. The android had the Staff in his hands. "How hard is this going to be?" James asked Jacob. "Well since the Staff is the most powerful weapon we had I'd say extremely hard." Jacob said. "That sucks." James said. "The reason those androids were such pushovers is because they transferred most of their core energy to my friend and me! So even without the Staff I would be far from a pushover!" Android-6106 said. "Well that's a stupid plan on your part." Michelle said. "No it isn't! Now feel my wrath!" Android-6106 yelled. The crew were ready for the fight.

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