Chapter 19: A Battle of Illusion

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~Gilt-1B. June 7th, 2077. 5:00 AM Gilt-1B time.~

"You'll pay for that! Literally! Now give me money!" Tony commanded referring to his broken ship. "I'm not giving you money if you're going to be dead!" Android-2834 said. "Well I ain't dying anytime soon!" Tony said as he shot at the android. The android deflected all of the bullets again. "You gotta realize I'm a pro swordsman!" Android-2834 said cockily. "No you're not." Jacob said as he hit Android-2834 in the back of the head. "Ouch! Why not just go for a different tactic?! This is getting annoying!" Android-2834 said as he elbowed Jacob in the stomach then threw him. Jacob went over the ship rubble and landed on the ground. "Crap that android is strong..." Jacob said to himself while getting up. "I think it's time to unleash the true power of this sword!" Android-2834 said. "You mean a laser beam that can destroy a whole planet wasn't its true power!?" Tony asked shocked. "You'll be surprised at what this thing can do!" Android-2834 said maniacally as the Sword started glowing. It then caused a N.E.G. soldier to appear out of nowhere.

"What the hell?!" Michelle said shocked at what she was seeing. "Surprised to see me again? I see why." The N.E.G. soldier said. "I'm not surprised. I'm shocked that out of everything it could've been it was just a mere soldier." Michelle said. "Mere soldier?! I was a general! I led many battles against many different rebellions! I only died because I was shot in the head by one of you!" The N.E.G. general said angrily. The general was then shot in the back of the head by Tony. "And now you're shot in the back of the head again." Tony said. The general fell on the ground and then dissipated. "What the..." Tony said wondering why the general disappeared. "You thought that person was real?! That was just showing you a preview of what the Sword can do! Now how about I summon someone that will be more of a challenge!" Android-2834 said maniacally. "Won't be much of a challenge." Tony said. "Oh are you sure?! So I guess it's fine if I summon 2017 Jacob Melbourne with the Staff!" Android-2834 said. "Another Jacob? That's all?!" Michelle said. "This one has a working Staff!" Android-2834 said. "Oh crap..." Jacob said clenching his staff.

Another Jacob was summoned. The Jacob instantly started running toward Michelle. The Jacob tried to hit Michelle with his Staff, but Michelle blocked the blow with her gun. The gun broke on impact and Michelle went flying for three seconds until making impact with the ground. "It feels great to be back!" The Jacob said. "Get out of here, fake. I'm the original." Jacob said. "Ah I see it's the shell of his former self. How's it going?" The Jacob asked. "Oh things are going well after I made good friends." Jacob said. "How nice. How about I take that all away?" The Jacob said threateningly. "How about we have a battle then? Who's the better Jacob?" Jacob asked. "We don't even need a battle! I'd obviously win!" The Jacob said cockily. "How about we find out." Jacob said running toward the other Jacob. Jacob swung his staff at the other Jacob. The other Jacob blocked it and hit Jacob in the chest. Jacob went flying for two seconds until falling on the ground. The other Jacob jumped to him and tried to choke him, but Jacob blocked the attempt with his Staff. The fake hit the Staff away with his Staff. "Ah crap..." Jacob said. The fake then started choking him with his Staff. The others were trying to fight back against the android. Tony took notice to Jacob being choked and shot the fake in the back of the head. The fake Jacob then dissipated. "I...could've beaten him...on my own..." Jacob said trying to catch his breath. "Yeah right! You would be dead of I didn't save you!" Tony said. "I guess you're right...Thanks..." Jacob said still catching his breath.

"You fools! You think you can defeat me?! I have the Sword! You can't beat me! Not even your teamwork will be enough to beat me!" Android-2834 said maniacally. "We've defeated far more powerful than you." James said. "Like who? That wimpy excuse of a general?! Don't make me laugh!" Android-2834 said. "We've defeated the Deity." James said. "It was a much weaker version! And it required a multi-planetary army and some time travelers to defeat it! Face it! You're unable to beat me!" Android-2834 said cockily. Just then a ship came out of nowhere and started firing at the android. Android-2834 blocked the lasers with the Sword. When looking at the ship it seemed to be the Stream-Head. "Somebody say something about time travelers?" McClain asked through his speaker. "More people, huh? I guess it's just more casualties!" Android-2834 said.

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