Chapter 18: Battle Against 2834

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~Gilt-1A Skyscraper. June 7th, 2077. 6:00 PM.~

Jacob ran at Android-2834. The Staff and the Sword clashed. Android-2834 just knocked Jacob back like it was nothing after they clashed. "Holy crap that sword is powerful!" Jacob said surprised. "Of course it's powerful! It's an artifact!" Android-2834 said. Android-2834 then swung his sword Jacob dodged the swing. "Nimble one aren't ya? Well you'll see how powerful this artifact really is!" Android-2834 said as he fired a laser out of the Sword. The laser shot past the entire crew and exploded part of the skyscraper, which made the skyscraper collapse and fall onto many buildings. After that the whole base started to evacuate. "Holy shit!" Jacob said shocked of the power of the Sword. "You thought it would be easy getting this sword?!" Android-2834 asked. "No. We didn't. You think we're cocky like you? We're not. We're just here to get an artifact so we can so we can save the universe. Not to be powerful." Michelle said. "Lies! Powerful is the only thing you can be in this universe! If you're anything else you're weak!" Android-2834 said. "Untrue." Jacob said as he hit Android-2834 in the back of the head. "Ow!" Android-2834 said. It then swung his sword at Jacob. It hit Jacob, but since it was the flat side that hit Jacob he flew into a wall instead of being sliced. "Lucky son of a bitch..." Android-2834 said. The crew started shooting at Android-2834. It started to block all of the bullets from hitting it. "This is why I'm the best swordsman!" Android-2834 said. "You're not even good. I bet the Sword is doing all of the work." Michelle said. "I'm doing all of the work! Not the Sword!" Android-2834 said. "Whatever you say." Michelle said.

"You're getting on my nerves! You better shut up or I'll shut you up myself!" Android-2834 said annoyed. "I ain't shutting up! You're supposed to be fighting us! Not telling us to shut up!" Michelle said. "Well if you want a true fight I'll give it to ya!" Android-2834 said as shoots a laser at Michelle. James saved Michelle from the laser by pushing her out of the way. James dodged the laser also. "That was a close one!" James said. "Sure was!" Michelle said. "That's why you don't give someone attitude Michelle..." Jtracia whispered. "What was that, mermaid!?" Michelle asked knowing what he said. "Nothing!" Jtracia said hoping not to get hurt by Michelle. "Stop talking to each other! Like you said we're supposed to be fighting!" Android-2834 said annoyed. "Oh we're still battling each other!" Michelle said. Jacob hit the android in the back of the head again. "Stop doing that!" Android-2834 said as he swung the Sword at Jacob. This time Jacob blocked it. He got blasted back. "You know I've been holding back this whole time! I think it's time to show the true power of the Sword!" Android-2834 said. "Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?" Jtracia asked actually curious. "By sacrificing my planet!" Android-2834 said as he stabbed the Sword through thd ground and shot a laser into it. "Hasta la vista suckers!" Android-2834 said teleporting away.

"We gotta get out of here!" Tony said in panic. "It should take a minute for that laser to get to the center." Elias said. "Why aren't you panicking?" Tony said. "We have comlinks." Elias said. "Oh yeah I forgot about those. I'll tell the ship to warp us to where Android-2834 is." Tony said. He then told the ship to warp to them. The ship came and they went into it quickly. He then told the ship to teleport him to the closest planet to Gilt-1A, which is Gilt-1B. They barely escape as the planet explodes right after they teleport to Gilt-1B. "That was a close one...Now we find out where that android is..." Tony said as he and the crew walked off the ship. "Guess who found you first?" Android-2834 said as he cut Tony's ship in half. "Oh come on I just got that repaired!" Tony said angrily. "Well now you won't have to worry about repairs anymore. Because you'll be dead!" Android-2834 said maniacally.

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