Chapter 20: The Final Battle

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~Gilt-1B. June 7th, 2077. 5:30 AM Gilt-1B time.~

Android-2834 summoned fake versions of each of the crew and summoned a fake Zawyer. "Can you get past these?!" Android-2834 asked maniacally. The Stream-Head shot the fake crew with plasma missiles. The fake Zawyer hid from the missiles. He then came out from behind the rock he was hiding behind. "We got this!" James said. "So a rematch against people from the war? Not the people I was expecting but whatever. I'll take it." Zawyer said. Tony just walked up to him and punched him in the face. "Piece of crap!" Zawyer said angrily. Android-2834 summoned about 100 N.E.G. soldiers to help Zawyer. "Thanks...uhh...2834." Zawyer said. "No problem! We need to win!" Android-2834 said. "Good luck with that!" McClain said from the Stream-Head. The soldiers started running toward the crew and shooting at them. The Stream-Head shot plasma missiles at the front line of soldiers, while the crew attacked the ones that were left. Zawyer was the only one that remained after that. "Well that didn't go as expected...I'll just summon more!" Android-2834 said as he summoned 1,000 soldiers. "Holy crap!" McClain said from the Stream-Head. "Well it's just more casualties so..." Michelle said mocking Android-2834. "You bastard! Don't mock me!" Android-2834 said angrily. "Oh I'm so scared! Don't mock the all mighty android! Oh no!" Michelle said sarcastically. "You're really annoying!" Android-2834 said annoyed. "That's the point. I'm trying to make you mad. I thought you'd know this." Michelle said. The Stream-Head killed most of the soldiers while 2834 was distracted. The crew killed the rest. "This isn't working 2834! Summon more powerful things!" Zawyer said. "Fine!" Android-2834 said. What he summoned was some of the Hive. "Not these things! Before anyone asks, I watched the footage from the Reston-Zaleth war quite a few times." Tony said.

A Hive giant grabbed the Stream-Head and broke it in half. The crew fell down next to James and co. "Pleassure to meet you all, my name's Wade." Wade said getting up and wiping off debris. Pamela, Stu, Abigail, Tristan, and Gabe introduced themselves also. "Are you done?" Android-2834 asked angrily. "Yeah, I think so." McClain said grabbing The Book from the wreckage. Stu grabs The Orb from the wreckage as well. "They're going to do it!" Pamela said excited. "What's going on?" Michelle asked confused. Elias, Tony, and James stared at Stu and McClain in curiosity. Stu and McClain slammed both artifacts together and then a loud crackling sound came from the impact. A light flashed and in McClain's hands was a book with small orbs flying around it. "This is what's known as artifact fusion!" McClain said with what sounded like his and Stu's voice.

"Stu is a chosen bearer of the orb in the 25th century, and during artifact fusion it fuses the weaker artifact's host with the stronger artifact's host." Abigail explained to James and co. "It's just a stupid trick." Michelle said jealous. "Everyone, draw your weapons!" Android-2834 and McClain ordered at the same time. The Hive illusions draw Hive infected guns and the fake Zawyer draws a sword similar to the one McClain used in the 92nd millennia.

~6:30 AM~

Both forces charged at one another. Gilt-1B's luscious plains were quickly turned into the desert of Gilt-1A. McClain and Android-2834 were having a duel of artifacts on a nearby cliff. James and co, with the assistance of the Stream-Head crew, were fighting Zawyer and the Hive army. "You know, this is hard when you're trying not to restart the parasite that nearly wiped out the universe!" Tony said as he and Elias were shooting a Hive Giant in the eye. "All of you shut up, I'm trying to focus!" Michelle commanded. "Is she always like that?" Abigail asked James while they and Pamela were fighting a Hive Brute. "Yeah, she's kind of hot because of that." James answered quietly. Abigail and Pamela just chuckled. Zawyer slashed through the Hive Brute and attacked James. They both fell back a few feet. Zawyer landed on James and tried to cut James in half. James blocked the sword with his gun. The two were in a stalemate, but then Jacob came by and stabbed Zawyer in the stomach. "Thanks." James said getting up. Jacob nodded and ran to assist his former captain.

The battle with the Hive illusions was drawing to a close. The more McClain hurt Android-2834, the more Android-2834's focus would be and illusions begin to dissipate. McClain created an illusion of the time anomaly deity as the small orbs smashed into Android-2834's arms. The time anomaly deity illusion grinned and cut the android in half. The sword dropped and Jacob finally got over to McClain. "How's it been?" McClain asked with his and Stu's voice. "Pretty good." Jacob said as he picked up the sword. McClain and Stu unfused their artifacts. "You know, last I checked, that was in the deity's ship on Reston and inoperable." Jacob said pointing to the orb. "That ship is still around. It's indestructible and recharged The Orb when it passed through Reston's former star." Stu explained. Jacob smiled. McClain explains his hunt for the artifacts to Jacob, but only Jacob. Jacob keeps it a secret, as requested.

After the battle, McClain used a 25th century repair tool to fix the Stream-Head and offered to take James and co back to Celestial.

"You know, we fixed a small time anomaly today as well. You guys died in that battle without us." McClain said as he warped to Celestial.

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