Morning After
1. an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
I wake up in an unusual room with a slight headache, and the first thing that I notice is that I'm naked.
The second being the beautiful man lying next to me who is also naked.
I pull the sheets over my body and blush profusely, as the events from last night come flooding through my mind.
Oh my god. What have I done?
Suddenly a strong arm wraps its way around me and the man—I can't remember his name for the life of me— pulls me closer to him.
His chest is warm against my back, and the thin sheet is the only thing separating the rest of my body from his.
He stirs in his sleep, and I lay there frozen, not daring to move a muscle.
He burries his head in the crook of my neck and and his soft hair tickles my ear.
I can't help but squirm, and that's enough to wake him apparently as he groans softly, the heat of his breath fanning accross the back of my neck.
Staying perfectly still I hold my breath and close my eyes, silently praying that he thinks I'm still asleep. He carefully detaches himself from me and I thank God that my plan worked.
"Shit," he curses under his breath, and I hear shuffling farther away.
I assume he's putting on his clothes.
I wait one...
three seconds before I open my eyes and slowly check the time on my phone.
It makes a clicking sound as it opens, and I wince, slowly turning over to look at him.
With wide eyes, my gaze meets his at the same moment that he turns around.
"You're up," he says, more of a question than a statement.
"Good morning," I smile warily, my voice thick from sleep.
He hops as he puts on his shoe, smiling boyishly, "Sorry for dashing out on you like this, normally I'd like to take a girl out before we..." he glances at my clothes littering the floor, "uh, you know."
I feel myself blush as I cling to the blankets covering my body, and I thank God for the melanin that never fails to conceal my embarrassment.
He grabs his phone off the counter and with a chipper tone he says, "There's coffee in the cupboard, feel free to help yourself...and uh, if you could, can you make sure the door is locked when you leave?"
He backs away towards the door, eyes trained intently on me.
I raise an eyebrow at him and almost laugh, "You don't even know me, yet you're leaving me in your hotel room alone. What if I steal something?"

Summer [Completed]
Romance"I like you." I roll my eyes, even though I can't help but blush. "Don't be dumb." "You gotta stop doing that," he takes a step forward. I take two steps back. "Doing what?" Suddenly, I'm out of space. Taking advantage of our close proximity, he pla...