Gut Feeling
1. a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.
Imani POV
Dan and Cheryl where home when I got back, and so far, they haven't said a word about the party. I assume we're in the clear, but I'm still on edge. Partly because Kelly hasn't been answering my phone calls.
She texted me when she was about to leave, but that was almost an hour ago.
I dial her number and it goes straight to voicemail for the third time.
I sigh.
This doesn't feel right at all.
A bad feeling grows in the pit of my stomach, but I push it down, knowing I'm probably just overreacting.
"You okay?" Ethan asks, glancing at me briefly from his spot beside me on the couch.
I snuggle into Ethan's embrace and pull his arm tighter around me.
I'm about to say yeah, when something that Kelly said earlier creeps into my brain.
"Who's Rachel?" I ask, feeling him immediately tense up beside me.
"What?" He asks, his voice raising an octave.
"Rachel. You said something about some Rachel chick earlier and I wanna know what that's all about." I pull away from him and give him a serious look.
"Oh, her." He mumbles, scratching his stubbly chin.
I fold my arms across my chest. "Yeah...her."
"Alright," he gulps nervously, "so Rachel was a girl that Kelly and I knew back when we both went to the same highschool.
"She was a grade higher than Kelly, but they became best friends when Kelly joined the cheer squad..." He places a hand to his chin as he thinks aloud. "Or it might've been the dance team...Hell, I don't know, it was some group.
"Anyway, the two of them were inceprable, they did literally everything together. They would always hang out together, and sometimes she would come over and spend the night."
I purse my lips, not liking where this is going.
He continues. "At the time, I was a senior- and let's just say I was a bit of a player."
I raise a brow and he smiles, placing a hand on my thigh. "Bare with me now."
I nod for him to go on. "Anyway, Rachel came over one night for some reason that I can't even remember now..." He furrows his brows, trying to recall the distant memory.
"Yeah, I don't know, but the point is she came over, and I guess she waited until Kelly fell asleep, then she came into my room and made a pass at me.
"Mind you, I was a horny teenage boy at the time, and she was a really pretty girl, so I thought: 'hey, why not?'
"I'm not proud of it, but I slept with her behind Kelly's back."

Summer [Completed]
Romance"I like you." I roll my eyes, even though I can't help but blush. "Don't be dumb." "You gotta stop doing that," he takes a step forward. I take two steps back. "Doing what?" Suddenly, I'm out of space. Taking advantage of our close proximity, he pla...