Morning Walk
1. affection or liking for someone or something.
Ethan POV
My mom and I wake up early every morning and take walks on the beach.
I've always been a morning person, but I've been away for so long that I'd forgotten how amazing California sunrises are.
My mom started walking with me the morning that Imani caught me crying in the kitchen.
By the time Imani had finally left, I was more embarrassed than sad.
I couldn't go to sleep that night, so I kind of just stayed in the kitchen. My mom came in at around five that morning, and she knew that something was wrong, so we took a walk, talked about it.
Now it's sort of become a routine.
Sometimes she talks, most days she just listens. She's very good at listening.
The thing about my mother is that she's very meticulous. Not much gets past her, and although she may not call attention to it, she notices everything.
I think that's why I go to her so much for help. She's wise, and most of the problems that I come to her with she's already aware of. However, she's the type of person to wait until you're ready to talk about it, rather than confront you about it head on.
Even on days when we don't talk much, I still enjoy our time spent together. If you were to ask her, she'd surely blame it on her need for daily exercise, but I know she secretly loves it just as much as I do, maybe even more.
However, from the moment I woke up this morning, I could tell that today would be different.
Today I needed her to do more than just listen. Today I was in desperate need of her guidance.
I watch her silently as the wind blows through her graying, shoulder-length hair. The slight wrinkles near her eyes and mouth intensify, as she smiles sweetly at me.
Pulling her robe tightly around herself, she wraps an arm around my waist, and I hug her petite frame.
I have a hard time focusing on the sun rising in the horizon, because Imani has been suck on my mind since the movies.
It's been three days, yet all I can think about is her hand in mine, and how right it felt.
Every time I see her I just get the strongest urge to kiss her, but I can't, and that fact alone is driving me insane.
It takes a while for me to try and gain the courage to speak to my mother today, but she beats me to it anyway.
She's always had this gift of knowing when something's bothering me. I guess it's a mom thing.
“You alright son?” She doesn't even need to look at me to know the answer, but she does anyway.
Her blue eyes hold nothing but concern as she peers up at me. “What's on your mind?”
“I've met someone.” I mumble hesitantly, gauging her response.
She nods her head, knowingly. “Another girl, I presume.”
“No.” I disagree, causing her to look up at me in shock.
I chuckle, quickly elaborating. “She's not just a girl...she's a woman.”

Summer [Completed]
Romance"I like you." I roll my eyes, even though I can't help but blush. "Don't be dumb." "You gotta stop doing that," he takes a step forward. I take two steps back. "Doing what?" Suddenly, I'm out of space. Taking advantage of our close proximity, he pla...