Innocent Bystander
1. great surprise
Jordan's POV
I slam on my breaks as soon as I see the fast approaching 18-wheeler.
I see it before she does, and before I can even honk my horn, it's already too late.
The truck driver's wheel's screech across the asphalt, leaving black skid marks in its wake, but it's no use.
The sound of metal crunching against metal reverberates through the air as the 18-wheeler connects with the side of her car.
It's hood crumples upon impact, and her front bumper disconnects from her truck, flying across the street, causing another car to swerve.
The woman's truck tips over and rolls, sending her body flying like a rag doll as her windows and the windshield shatter. Glass shards fly in every direction; a couple of pieces even hit my car as her truck rocks to a stop.
Her trunk bends like a paper fan as smoke rises from the battered hood. A single rim rolls past, before slowly falling to its side.
Her limp, distorted body lies five feet away from the car, nothing but a bloody pile of flesh covered in dirt and debris.
I gasp, staring at the disastrous sight in front of me.
Snapping out of my speechless stupor, I unbuckle and climb out of my car with the rest of the concerned witnesses.
"Oh my God," an older man mutters as he slides past me, approaching the truck driver who lies with his head slumpt over the steering wheel.
I scrunch my nose as I stand in the doorway; the acrid smoke rises, sharp like cheap firecrackers on the fourth of July.
Glass crunches under my black and white concords as I close my door and jog over to the woman's body.
Her chest rises slowly, as her limbs bend in ways that shouldn't be possible.
Bile rises in my throat as I stare at a particular part of her arm where broken bone stretches her pale skin thin, like bubble gum.
"Hey," I find myself shouting after a while of staring blankly, "She's alive!"
My voice is drowned out by the loud crackling of her truck's engine as it sparks abruptly.
I duck instinctively, covering my head and cowering away from any potential danger.
"The paramedics are on their way." A woman's voice says. She sounds distant as my ears ring from the noise.
I kneel next to the woman, glass digging into my knees as it cuts through my jeans.
The wind blows suddenly blowing the girls matted, bloody hair across her face. Tiny, red cuts adorn her cheeks and brows, and a thick piece of glass is lodged in the skin along her hairline. Fresh blood oozes from the wound, and small glass shards sit on her long lashes like snow.
Her breathing is slow and infrequent and I silently plead for her to fight a little longer as I wrap my hands around her small, dainty fingers.
"Come on." I whisper into the eerie quiet. "Don't die...please don't die."
I wait for what feels like an eternity.
Her hands grow cold in my own, and every once in a while I have to blow on them to keep them warm. I'm worried, because the tips of her fingers are slowly beginning to turn a pale purple, and I'm not doctor, but what is never a good sign.
The ambulance and the police arrive at the same time, and after that, everything happens pretty quickly.
I give my statement to the police and I watch with concern as they take her away on a stretcher.
I get back into my car as the ambulance pulls away. Suddenly a thought occurs to me: What if she doesn't have any family?
Who's going to be there for her?
What's going to happen to her?
Is it already too late?
I find myself following the ambulance as it drives down the road. My curious mind continues to race restlesly.
Who's going to be there for her when she wakes up?
Will she wake up?
There's no way that I'd be able to sleep tonight without knowing if she was alright.
That could've easily been me in that ambulance, alone and injured without aanyone to care.
My hands begin to shake as I grip the steering wheel tighter.
I'd like to think someone would check up on me if the roles were reversed.
The accident replays in my mind as I fillow the flashing red lights down the road.
I just need to make sure that she gets to the hospital safely, then I'll leave, I tell myself.
A/N: Alright so things are about to get real interesting.
And with two chapters left, who knows what's gonna happen?
I promise the next one will be longer, so bear with me.
On a completely different note, I saw Us today at the movies and it was rlly good. I ten out of ten recommend it. It's one of those movies that really makes you think, yk. And I saw it with my whole family and legit every single person has a different interpretation of it... So if you're looking to go to the movies. See Us, you won't be disappointed.
Anyways, I hope you guys are having a good day. Remember: every new day is a second chance!
Until next time,

Summer [Completed]
Romance"I like you." I roll my eyes, even though I can't help but blush. "Don't be dumb." "You gotta stop doing that," he takes a step forward. I take two steps back. "Doing what?" Suddenly, I'm out of space. Taking advantage of our close proximity, he pla...