Clear Vision
1. quick to notice things
Cheryl's POV
“Cher, are you alright hon?” Danny asks as he helps me set the dinner table.
Family dinner is normally one of my favorite times of the day, however today I'm not quite up to it.
“I'm fine dear, just a bit preoccupied is all.” I flash my husband a weak smile as I set the salad bowl in the center of the table.
I can't quit thinking about Ethan and the change I've seen in him over the past few weeks.
The only logical explanation is this mystery girl. The extraordinary girl that no one has met that already has my sweet baby so smitten.
Every morning I try to get something out of him: a name, an age, her favorite color— something, and every morning Ethan shuts me down.
He never used to be so secretive with me. He used to tell me everything, but ever since Rosie's death—bless her sweet heart—my Ethan's been different.
I thought things were changing when he mentioned the girl, but I suppose I was mistaken.
I frown slightly as I lean against the table. I'm not normally wrong about things.
I'm pulled from my thoughts suddenly when Dan rests a hand on my shoulder.
“Have a seat dear,” he says, pulling out a chair for me, “You've already cooked dinner, the least I can do is set the table.”
His chocolate brown eyes crinkle as he smiles down at me. His reading glasses rest haphazardly in his graying black hair causing it to stick up in a boyish way.
God am I a lucky woman. I think to myself as I smile adoringly at my lovely husband.
“Oh Daniel, you're too good to me,” I say, bringing his face down low to mine and kissing his lips softly.
“I could never be too good when you deserve the best, but I love you for thinking that Cher Bear.” He winks playfully, running his hands down my arms and squeezing my shoulders softly, before disappearing into the kitchen.
I smile to myself as I wrap my cardigan around my body and take a seat at the table.
Daniel comes in periodically, bringing in mashed potatoes or green beans and flirtatiously teasing me, however most of my time is spent pondering this Ethan situation.
As I sit at the table and fiddle absentmindedly with the silverwear or the tablecloths, I silently pray that whomever the mystery girl that Ethan is dating may be, Ethan's love is as great as the love that my Danny holds for me.
Imani is such a sweet young woman. Watching her and Kelly laugh and joke during dinner warms my heart. The world is changing so much that it's hard to find good people to associate with nowadays. I'm glad that Kelly has her as a friend.
“Mrs. Price–um I mean Cheryl, can you pass the mashed potatoes please?” She asks with a smile and I nod, finding it adorable that she still has a hard time calling me by my first name.
“Sure sweetie–”
“–Here, I'm closer.” Ethan comments, passing the bowl of mashed potatoes to Imani with a smile. Their hands touch slightly, and I notice that her face flushes with color as she thanks him.
“Mhm,” he mumbles incoherently as he shovels food into his mouth, I watch with intrigue as his eyes linger in her direction before feeling the weight of my stare.
Ethan's eyes widen a fraction of a millimeter as they lock with mine, before he casts them down at his plate.
A small smile forms on my lips as I take a sip of my iced tea.
Daniel clears his throat, gaining my attention as he finishes the remaining food on his plate ravenously.
“Someone's hungry.” I tease earning a chuckle from Kelly and Imani.
Daniel only smiles and his cheeks take on a rosy tint. “I just want to announce right now that whoever bought that chocolate and vanilla ice cream and left it in the freezer for me to find is gonna be real upset later on tonight.”
“You better not touch my ice cream old man.” Ethan jokingly warns, taking a sip of his water.
“No promises, son.”
I smile watching as Ethan mumbles something incoherent and shoves some food into his mouth.
“You two are something else.” Imani laughs softly as Kelly shakes her head.
I'm about to agree, until I see it.
I see the way he looks at her. You can see it in his eyes; he gazes at her like she's the best thing that's ever happened to him. His adoration for her is written clearly all over his face, and suddenly it all makes sense.
I can't believe that I didn't percieve it sooner, but now that I have, it's pretty hard to miss.
The way he glances at her when he makes a joke to see if she laughed. The way she hangs on every word that he says.
I watch the two of them interact throughout the rest of dinner with child-like joy.
New love is always the sweetest to watch, and to witness it bloom in front of my very eyes is certainly a delight.
At the end of the day, all a mother wants is for her children to be happy, and I'm happy that my Ethan is happy.
My only concern is Kelly.
I'd hate for the happiness of one of my children to come at the cost of the other's. I know that it is not my place to meddle in their affairs, but I do know from experience that secrets like these have a way of coming out.
I just hope that I'm not left to put out the fire when this delicate situation explodes.
A/N: This chapter was all in Cheryl's POV. I thought it would be fun to see things from her perspective for once. Lmk if you liked it :)
So now Cheryl and Daniel both know about Imani and Ethan. You think they'll ever talk to each other about it?
Sorry about the lack of consistency of my posts, but I'm trying to be better. (Key word trying)
Get your tea ready because the next few chapters are about to get very juicy ;)
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Until next time,

Summer [Completed]
Romance"I like you." I roll my eyes, even though I can't help but blush. "Don't be dumb." "You gotta stop doing that," he takes a step forward. I take two steps back. "Doing what?" Suddenly, I'm out of space. Taking advantage of our close proximity, he pla...