Clumsy ( Jane And Zayn )

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Sigh. I waited backstage with my younger brother Henry. I was on tour with One Direction. Since, as you all know I am Harry Styles' sister. But I never get to be in front of a camera and like. Maybe my brother doesn't want me to be on stage with him or dedicate a song for me. He hasn't even introduced me to his bandmates ! Can you believe that !? Sometimes, I wish I wasn't even his sister and I was just one of their fans. Shrieking and Screaming.

" Wait for me. I'll just go drink some water. " A sweet voice came from behind the door. The doorknob twisted and I saw the guy that I had a crush on. Zayn. Malik. *gulp*

" Jane, why are you drooling?" I got back to my senses and Henry was right in front of me.

" Hello there folks. You must be Harry's brother and sister. " Zayn went inside the room and grabbed himself a glass of water.

" Hi. Yes. And you must be Zayn. " I thought that was a stupid thing to say but he smiled at me.

" Yup. I would love to see you after the show. " He went near me. And I felt my heart skipped a beat.

" Jane, I want to go potty. " My brother Henry pouted at me. Mother of ? You destroyed the moment of my life.

" Oh. Yes. Of course. " I grabbed Henry's hand. " See you later. " I waved Zayn goodbye.

" Yeah. See ya. "

Zayn's POV :

I placed my glass on the table. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. Love at first sight ? I don't know. Jane Styles. An awesome name for a beutiful girl. I wish Harry could have introduced her earlier. I know that guy. I went outside the door to but went the opposite way that she went. 

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Heeeeeeeeeeeelp ! " I felt someone scream from behind me. And I knew that it was Jane. I ran towards her and saw her o the floor. Blood in her hands and a loud cry of a boy. Henry was bleeding. He must have knocked his head on the sink.

" Don't panic. We got this. " I carried Henry and tried to calm her down. She was crying like this is the end of her world.

" No. I can handle this. Y-You have a concert. Y-You need to get back. "

" No. I will stay with you. It will be okay. "

She nodded and we rushed his brother to the car.


Jane's POV :

I fell asleep next to my brother's bed. I can completely remember what happened. When Henry slipped out of my fingertips and knocked his head on the sink. I can't blame him. He is just a kid. Harry is surely going to kill me and won't let me join them further on tour. My eyes were sore. So I stood up.

" You're awake. " My stomach did a backflip. Is he still here ?

" Zayn. " I turned around. " Why are you still here ? "

" Well. I couldn't leave you. Can I ? "

" Of course, you can. You have a concert and it is all my fault that - "

" Shhhhhh. You might wake your brother up. "

My brother was sound asleep. I heard footsteps from the door. Many of them. And I heard a very familiar voice.

" I told you. My sister is very clumsy. " Harry said.

The door opened and that lads of 1D came in. Niall was carrying wilted flowers. And Liam was carrying bandages.

" She is not that clumsy at all. " Zayn said.

" Yeah. Yeah. I know that. You like her, don't you? " Harry asked. What the heck is that question. Of course, he doesn't. Who would ?

" Yup. " Zayn answered. I felt my temperature rise and I slowly looked at him. My eyes widening.

" So. Did you replaced me with a hologram ? "

" No. We told everyone you went to potty and it seems to be taking you so long. " Louis said.

" Because you're constipated. " Niall added.

" Great. " Zayn faked a smile.

I giggled. Why should I be too clumsy ? Too clumsy to fall in love with him ? :")


Thanks for reading. Hope you like it. Hahahahahah. xx

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