Finding Love in Paris ( Catherine And Harry )

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" First stop. Italy then Japan then China then Bankok then Australia. " Harry started to dictate all the places he wants to go to. We both won tickets around the world. But there's a catch. We are given all the money we need but we can only have it for a week. Sucks right?

" Then Hawaii, then Philippines, then ... " I stopped for a moment and stared at him in the eye.

" Then Paris. " We said together. Paris is our dream date after we started dating last month. Our story is kinda cliche for a fan-girl like me. We meet in a concert, both share the same feelings and we become friends and we go out. That's all.

" Go pack your bags Love. " He said. I stood up and went to my room. All my things were ready except for myself. The flight will be tonight. Harry is equipped with disguise things to avoid those who can recognize him. I pulled out my Yellow blouse and a brown leather jacket with tight jeans and some sneakers. 

This is my usual attire. But because this is going to be the week of my life, I should look a bit better. I tied my long blonde and curly hair to a high bun and applied a bit of eye-liner but still emphasizing my greenish-brownish eyes. Harry once told me that it is the first thing that attracted him. 

" Done. " I said after blasting out of my room carrying my luggage. Harry assisted me. He was also packed up and ready to go. We went outside and the van was waiting for us. The lads were there. Each of them gave me a high five and we drove on.

" Have fun on your honeymoon ! " >////< Louis said. Wha-?

" It's not a honeymoon Boobear, come on. It's just a date. " Harry said.

" He is right. " I agreed nodding my head. Zayn played a bunch of rock/pop music and Niall opened his bag full of food, offering something to each one of us. Liam and Louis was busy talking to Harry, maybe giving love tips. Haha. I just stared at the window wondering what will happen next.

" We are here. Give Harry and Catherine goodbye kisses and they are off. " Paul said. They all helped us with our baggage and gave us our goodbye kisses. Niall even gave me a four-leaf clover. 

Harry tried to keep his head down low as we approach the promo booth. 

" How can I help you Sir? " The flight attendant asked. Harry gave both the ticekts and she called a guy to escort us to the plane.

I have never been in a plane ever in my life so this is rather exciting. XD All our luggege was brought away and we both got into the seats. 

" This has got to be the happiest day of my life. " I said.

" Wait until we get to Paris. " I smiled and leaned to give plant him a kiss on the cheek.

The manager approached us and sat on the seat before us. We were sitted on the VIP section so you can expect tables in here. " I am terribly sorry to say that our funds kind of failed to support all of the winners so each of you gets one trip only. " My mouth was hanging open when he said that. LOL. How dare he say that in a minute without hesitation? I can kick his fat ass right now ! Grrr...

" I don't understand. W-we already signed a contract. Jeez. " Harry said.

" I am terribly sorry sir. But there is nothing we can do. So, you will only be going to Paris. "

" Grrrr... "

" That's fine, sir. You can leave now. " I said to the manager and he went away unmindful of all the angry customers her left and that's including Harry. His fist was curled up. " Why are you so worried about that? " I asked.

" It's just that this is our first date and I don't want you to be disappointed. "

" What? Haha. Nah. As long as I am with you I am fine. " I said leaning onto his shoulder and tried to get some sleep after the plane took off. This is going to be a long ride.


" Wake up. Sleeping Beauty. " Harry whispered to my ear. I was awake for a minute now but I prefer to sleep in Harry's shoulder. It feels so romantic. *u*

" Morning my prince. " I said stretching my arms out. Yawn. That was a long trip but we are finally here. Too bad this is the only place we can go to.

All passengers please fasten your seatbelt. We will be landing immediately. Thank you. Harry picked up the bags above us and I helped him with some. I fastened my seatbelt and there came the wild churn that I am waiting for. Shocks. I feel like puking. >___<

" This way please . " Finally. I stood up and followed Harry outside. We went to the baggage counter and got all the luggage. We brought so much. Sigh.

" Taxi ! " Harry called. 

We got in and Harry gave the address of the hotel. We will only be there for two days. What a shame. -_-'

" Thank you, sir. " The taxi driver said as we got down. 

" Let's just put our bags down. Change clothes. Then off we go to .... Hmm .... Eiffel Tower. " He said to me as we got to our room. 

" Why are we in a hurry ? What's this ? Amazing race ? " We both laughed. Harry gave me a kiss in the forehead and I quickly went to the bathroom to change. After I got into a usual attire, I got outside and applied some make-up and fixed my hair. Harry was done too. So ... it's Showtime ! XD


" This is awesome ! The camera ! The camera ! " I shouted after I got the first glimpse of the Eiffel tower. It was Tuesday so not that much people were around. Harry threw the camera and I immediately shot a dew times before the taxi stopped and we got down.

" Let's go get to a better view. There is a coffee shop here that has a full view of it. " He said. Yes, indeed. The coffee shop was just across the street and it was the best location ever. We saw outside and ordered some cappucino.

" Thanks, Harry. " I said.

" Eh ? Why are you thanking me ? " He said. I felt his hand was over mine and I feel that my face was bright red.

" Because if it weren't for you, I am not expriencing this thing called ... Love. " We both stood up. I don't know why but he just cupped my face.

" I love you Catherine more than you can imagine. "

" Pffft ... Well, that rhymed. " I giggled and he gave me a kiss. 

" Your cappucino .... Woops ! Sorry ! " The waitress came out and I almost died in embarassment as Harry gave a huge laugh.


Hope you like it and sorry for the wait. We had a field trip and I was away from my computer. xx

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