My Carrot Cake ( Cassandra and Louis )

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I took one final glance at Louis before leaving the library. I have been one of his biggest fans but I really can't believe he is like this in personal. Playboy, Chickboy, Heartbreaker, Ultimate Hearthrob. We are both a part of the Bookworm Club, I am the president and he is well the ... Escort. Sigh. He is flirting with that arrogant Muse again. Everyone in the club is soooooo head over heels on him. Luckily, this is just a one day reunion and after this, he will have to come back to where he should be. The band One Direction.

" Meeting Dismissed. " I said before I close the door leaving everyone having fun. I leaned my back to the door hearing their loud and annoying giggles and cheesy jokes which I found corny. -_- For the love of carrots Louis, go home. I can't believe I made him a carrot cake. I stood up on my feet and started walking. I am going to eat this cake! 

" Do I smell carrots? " Louis. I paused and looked back. It was him. Did he followed me? I wish he is not here to play his love game with me.

" Why are you asking me? " I said. Trying to hide my shoulder bag away. I am going to die if he learns that I baked him a cake.

" Because you smell like one. " 

" Seriously ... " I turned my back and started to walk but he just followed after me. There were no other students in the campus and it was pretty dark in the hallways.

" Are you a carrot? " He randomly asked.

" What kind of question is that? "

" Because I have a guilty obsession with you. "

" Oh. Very funny. Ha-Ha. " Seriously. I am not in the mood for flirty jokes because I know these are just stupid old lies and I don't want love to emerge from that.

" Your turn. "

" My turn? Is this a kind of game? "

" Yep. "

" Alright. Let me think. " Why am I playing this with him? Cassandra wake up! >////<

" Are you land? "

" Wait. I thought it was my turn. " We were already on the field. I don't feel bored anymore.

" Because I am the rain and whatever I do, I will always fall for you. " 

" Are you an emergency? "

" This sounds interesting. " I looked at him. His brown hair was never covering his hazel eyes that looked through me. I feel awkward wearing an over-sized t-shirt and baggy jeans with my long wavy auburn hair tied in a messy ponytail next to a blue polo topped with a black leather jacket, jeans and rubber shoes of his. He was just ... adorable. *u*

" Cause you make my adrenaline rush. " Where did I get that? He smiled and it looked best on him. Ugh. Why am I thinking like this >___< 

I wish I was adenine. So I can be paired with U. " 

" Cool. But do you know what "U" means? "

" Errr.... No? " ? He said scratching the back of his head and looking humiliated. I laughed.  " What's so funny? "

" Nothing. You should be reading your science books. " I sticked my tongue and turned my back to continue walking. I can't keep up with these pick-up lines no more. I am going to fall ... Tsk. " It's Uracine. "

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