Meeting Batman ( Miranda And Liam )

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Author's Note : Hey ! Hey ! This is another one from Hawkeman974 ! What can you say? Comment and vote. That makes my day :D

“Oh my god!! That is such a cute top!! You have to get it!!” My friend Jessica said. “Fine. I’ll try it on first.” I said groaning. Both my friends Jessica, Janette, and I are hanging out at the mall today for a party that will be happening 3 days from now. She wants me looking perfect even though I always turn out great anyways (getting it from friends at previous parties). I go to the fitting room and change into the top Jessica told me to wear.

                I then came out of the fitting room closet and said, “Okay Jessica. How is this-.” I was cut off by a squeal and a large hug. “Oh my god Miranda!! You look amazing!! Jessica and Janette said simultaneously. I groaned and said, “Fine I’ll go buy it.” I went back in the fitting room closet to change back to my normal clothing which were just a pair of jeans and a white blouse. I put the so called “cute top” back on its hanger and went to cash register to pay.

                I walked out of the store, holding up my 6 bags full of clothing my friends made me get. Honestly my closet is going to either be a mountain, or an explosion of clothing. I honestly don’t understand why I need this much clothing. But it’s crazier that Jessica and Janette have 12 in each arm. “Guys. Can we please go to the food court because all this shopping is getting me hungry.” I asked, with a groan as a reply, “Fine. We can have food.” Janette said.

                We finally reached the food court and we seated down at a table. Janette and Jessica went to get their food while I had to watch their bags of clothing. I looked around, admiring the beauty and detail the mall had. The stain glassed dome over head was a pretty sight to see. A star in the middle of it with a dozen angels flying around it. Then a tapping noise distracted me, and I look seeing Jessica and Janette with their tray of food. “Finally” I groan out.

                I get up off the table and behind Jessica and Janette are a group of 5 familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on who they were. But instead I walked over to Chinese Restaurant. I order just a small bit of General Tso’s Chicken, vegetables (mainly carrots), some Chinese noodles, and my favorite Snapple. I go up to pay and notice one of the guys who was sitting at the table behind us. I look at him and he looks at me. If I could only see his eye behind those glasses, and the hat covering his hair.

                I finally paid the nice cash register lady, and started walking out to see my friends. A loud noise suddenly catches me off guard, and not noticing the puddle of water under me, I slip. My tray flies back and just before I fall to the hard floor, I am immediately caught into an embrace. I open my eyes, and oh my god. It’s him. It’s Liam Payne. His chocolate brown eyes and his birth mark. Dang how did I not notice that? Liam is like my favorite member of one direction.

                “You alright?” He asks with his amazing smile after. I nodded and he put me back on my feet. I looked back seeing a man who already started to clean my spilled food. “Don’t worry. I’ll buy you your lunch okay?” Liam said. I nodded and then we both ordered our food. I looked back, seeing Janette wink at me.

                Liam finally paid for my food and actually sat down with me at the table. When Jessica and Janette saw it was Liam, they squeal. Liam waved over the other boys. They sat down with us, and Janette immediately started talking to Zayn, and Jessica talking to Harry.

(15 Minutes Later)

After we had all finished our lunch, the girls and I really got to know them and all, and they  got to know us pretty well too.. Also surprisingly there has been no fan girl who came up squealing and blowing the boys’ cover. When I sat back down from dropping off my tray, Liam asked, “So girls. I know we only met each other today, but there is a party for Katy Perry today, and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us?” I looked at Jessica and Janette who had smiles on their faces.

“But how are we going to get in?” I asked. Liam smiled and said, “Katy allowed us to bring 3 guests with us if we liked to. So we’ll contact her telling you 3 are coming with us. We’ll pick you guys up too if that is okay.” I nodded and got out my phone. We all exchange numbers and I gave Liam my address  to pick us up. We got up from the table and started walking towards the exit. Luckily their driver was parked in the same lot as we were.

We exited the mall and into the lot, figuring out that their driver parked right next to us. As Jessica, Janette, and I loaded into my car, Liam said, “We’ll pick you guys up at your house at 7:00 okay?” I nodded and put the keys in the ignition, and drove home.

(4 Hours Later)

                The van finally pulled up to the venue. It was huge!! The door of the van opened and camera flashes were coming from everywhere. I was literally blinded. Zayn took Janette’s hand and walked her in, followed by Harry and Harry. Liam stepped out of the van and turned around, holding his hand out. He gave me a cute wink and I blushed. I then slowly grabbed his hand and walked into the venue

(4 Hours Of Fun And Dancing)

                The DJ one the mic announced, “Okay guys. It was fun playing for you guys at Katy Perry’s party. Unfortunately we are ending tonight with a slow dance song. Thank you for coming; I’m DJ DC and live life ladies and gentlemen.” Liam stood up from the chair next to me and said, “Will you take the last dance with me?” I blushed as he gave one of his other cute smiles. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into the center of the dance floor.

                Moving slowly together, my head in his chest as everything around us slows down. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I heard Liam say. I looked up to him and said, “What do you mean?” He smiled and before he could answer, he crashed his lips to mine. The world slowly stopped and I felt everything around me freeze. We parted and he smiled and asked, “Does that answer your question?”

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