Lucky ( Brianna And Niall )

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" You are going to lose " She took off down Half-Blood Hill and I sprinted after her.

For once, I didn't look back.

 Gah. I am finally finished with Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian. I strecthed my arms out. Reaching for my phone at the corner of my bed. I can't belive I finished it in 24 hours without closing my eyes. LOL. Now, I need to get it back at the Book Store so I will win my bet with the owner. I took a quick bath so I won't look like a crazy old woman.

I got into my usual attire. A clean white t-shirt and some baggy jeans. I brushed my hair and got into my sneakers. Mom is still asleep. She usually wakes up around 10:00 in the morning during Sundays. I sprinted outside the door and got to my bike. I passed by a few streets and took a final curve at McKinley Avenue reaching my favorite book store.

" I'm Done ! " I shouted as I opened the wooden door. Bob, the owner was waiting for me.

" You are one fast reader. " He pointed his finger at me. " Well, here is your prize. Enjoy. " He handed me the last book of the Harry Potter series. He would allow me to rent it for a week. I wouldn't be troubled reading it and I could enjoy every word.

" Yay ! Can I read here ? " I asked him.

" Sure thing. " He pointed to the couch near the door. I sat there crossed my legs and flipped through the pages.

Awesome. I worked hard for this. Just to read this. Just to lay my hand on a clean .... Dry ?

Niall's POV :

I sprinted to my favorite book store as early as I could. Hoping no one's there since I don't want any shrieking fan disturb my " cozy book " moment.  Well, that's how I describe it. I knocked first on the wooden door. And reached for the door knob. I turned it hurriedly taking one huge sip from my cofee.

" Hello ! Bob ! " Bob was waiting there. Quite shocked. I felt my hands a bit hot and wet and my cofee lost weight. " What's the pr- " I gazed to my right. A girl with her book wet with my cofee. She was shocked with her eyes wide open.

" Miss ! I'm sorry ! I am terribly sorry. Please ... I'll replace it. No worries. " I bent down and looked her in the eye. My hands were on her slightly wet shoulders. She was beautiful. If I could only turn back time. I wouldn't end up like this.

" No. It's okay. " She smiled and closed her book. She was a lot more cuter when she smiled. But when her eyes met the cover of the book. She frowned which didn't matched her eyes.

" Don't worry. Smile. Please. " I cupped her cheeks. I talked to her as if she was my little sister. She looked at me with a blank face.

" What have you done !? To my book !? Do you know how much this meant to me !? You don't ! You don't ! " She stood up and hit me with her book. I tried to block it with my hand. But the sudden rush of adrenaline made me weak. I nver knew a innocent and cute girl like her would be furious like that.

" Wait ! Please ! I - " It was too late. I knocked her off of her feet and she fell right on top of me. My eyes widened. I can't believe I am in a situation like this. I can feel Bob staring right at us. I can feel her small breathe close to mine. I gave her a peck on the lips.

" What the !? What did !? Aaaaaaarck ! " She wiped her lips and hit me with the book again. I got to my feet and ran across the book shelves. She followed after me. I mean ran after me.

" Brianna ! Niall ! Please stop this chaos. Customers are coming in. " Bob shouted. I stopped and she did too. " You better leave Niall. I sense fangirls. " I nodded.

Brianna's POV :

He was so cute. But I couldn't help being furious about what he did. And I also used it so I could know him better. Niall. I heard that name before. My friends would always talk about him. And what do they call that again ? One Direction ? Yeah. I think so.

" Hide here ! " Bob shouted. And opened a small door just below the counter. It was a cabinet that anyone could fit in. Niall squeezed himself in as loud knocks were heard from outside. And groups of girls were just outside.

" What's happening ? I don't understand. " I asked him.

" Shhhhh. "

The girls walked away. I don't understand why.

" So, can you explain now ? " I went closer to him. Niall was peeking outside.

" Well, you see. Niall Horan here is a part of the boy band One Direction. And girls are dying just to see him. I consider you, Brianna, lucky. " He opened his computer and showed me a pile of news and pictures of him. He was a lot more good looking in personal. I felt so effable meeting him.

" Yep. And sometimes, I just want to escape paparazzi and live a normal life. "  Niall got out of the cabinet. He approached me. And I just remembered the kiss he gave me. It went out of my mind. But now it's bugging me again.

" Yeah right. Like stealing someone's first kiss. " I said. I turned my head away from him. Fearing that I might blush.

" That was your first ? Geez. I am lucky. "

" Whatever. " I shrugged.


I used a new form there. Hahaha. The conversations are bold. LOL.  So hope you like that. xx

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