Can I Have an Order of Louis ? ( Penny and Louis )

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Author's Note : This is made by Hawkeman974. Thanks again to him. Go check out his profile. :)   

              “WAKE UP!! YOU GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!!” I heard my step mother yell. I launched myself up to only be knocked into by my step mother. I fell on my butt and yelled, “OW!!” I rubbed my head and gave my mother a menacing glare. She returned that look and walked away in her little evil stride. I honestly hate moving in with my step parents and dealing with her. She is so rich and snooty it gets on my nerves. My step dad then was walking through the hallway and sent a glance at me.

                He smiled and said soothingly, “Don’t sit there all day. You have work.” I smiled back and pushed myself off the ground and rushed to get in my bathroom for a cold shower. Once I got out, my little nephew Ezekiel came in my room making weird noises while having a toy plane in his hands. “Zeke get out of me room!!” I yelled. He continued. Then I moved up to him and literally launched him out the door and into the hallway.

(Minutes Later)

                Finally after I had finished combing my wavy mahogany red hair, I grabbed my work cap on and gave myself one last smile before walking into the hallway. I opened my door and still Ezekiel was making his weird little noises while running around god knows where. Seriously why did my step name a weird child with a weird name. They could have gone with Louis for all I know. Louis, my favorite member of One Direction. I met him before at a meet and greet, but not really get to know him.

                I rushed down my stairs and ran into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. I grabbed my little bag with my wallet, my pink Iphone, some money, and a Snapple. I swung it over my shoulder and pushed open the front door, and walked down the side walk. The trip to my job at Starbucks wasn’t that far, but I loved walking. I plugged my Ipod ear buds into my ears, and listening to whatever came on.

                I looked up, seeing the early sunrise shining down, making streaks of light shine through the leaves of the trees. The small cold breeze flipping my hair around. I then spotted a lone flower in the grass. Quickly and swiftly, I pluck it from its stem and put it in my hair. I then continued my walk to my job at Starbucks.

(5 Minutes Later)

                “Kevin!! I’m here!!” I yelled as I entered the Starbuck that only had one person who had their headphones on. A tall man came from the back and smiled at me and said,” Penny!! What took you so long?!?!” I laughed and came around the counter, giving a hug to my friend in crime, Alyssa. She smiled and I smiled back, typing my hair back into a ponytail and putting my cap on.

                Then I heard a ring from the door, and I look over and see………. Oh my god. It’s him. It has to be him. The wavy brown hair, the cheeky smile, and DANG those crystal blue eyes that I got lost in so quickly. I couldn’t stop my mind from looking at the boy. I then had eye contact with him, and I immediately. I heard him laugh silently and then heard his sneakers making small taps against the tile floor. From the corner of my eye he was getting closer. Someone shoot me now. I then held my composure as best as I could, but it is definitely failing miserably. He then came up to the counter and gave me one of those heart-melting smiles

                .  I smiled back and just before I could speak, Alyssa’s voice exploded, “OH MY GOD!!You are Louis Tomlinson!!” Louis chuckled and smiled at Alyssa. “Can I get a picture with you?” Alyssa blurted out at him. He smiled and nodded. Alyssa then came around the corner with her iphone and took a quick picture with Louis, my dream boy. Alyssa gave him a hug, and walked around back to the counter and winked at me, taking an order from an elderly man.

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