Only the Truth ( Nikki And Louis )

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" Take me to Disneyland ! I really want to go there ! " I pulled Louis out of the couch. Today is really boring. The fridge is almost empty and the elecrticity is off. Niall is sleeping and I really want to go with him but if it's with Louis, I'm fine. 

" Finally, you asked me ! Sure, come on, pack your bags. " Louis shouted as if I never talked to him ever since I befriended One Direction. I smiled and picked up my bag.

" Why go to Dineyland when I can take you to paradise. " Harry said winking. I blushed a bit and turned my head away. Louis pulled me close to him and my face turned red. >////< This is why I hate having a crush on all of them.

" Harry ! " They just laughed. Louis stood up and held my hand as we got into the car. " We will be right back ! " He said waving Hazza goodbye.

" Yay ! Thanks, Louis. " I said as he drove off wearing his sunglasses.

" Welcome. But ... why me ? "

" What do you mean ? "

" I thought you liked Niall. Then, why did you asked me ? " I blushed again. Why is he thinking that way ? Why is everyone thinking that me and Niall are going out ? Ack. I'm tired of it. I wish I could tell you that ... you're the one that I love. <3

" I never said that. " I just smiled and turned the radio on. But I see you with him, slow dancing tearing me apart cause you don't know. Whenver you kiss him, I break in. Oh. How I wish that was me. Wow. Even radios got a knack for One Direction ^-^ Eh? y eyes turned to Louis as he sang along. It was like he is singing to me. x)

" Eh ? Why are you looking at me that way ? " Louis said quite embarassed. " Do I sing that bad ? "

" I love your voice. " 

" Yeah. A lot of people say that but can they be telling the damn truth ? " He stopped the car and I realized we were already there.

" Well, I am. "

" Oh. Thanks. " He parked the car and we both got down.

" Where do we go first ? " He asked.

" Hmmm.... Merry go Round ! But first ... I'm hungry. " My tummy started rumbling and he started laughing. 

" Alright, I'll get you some cookies. But ... Why Merry go Round? -_-' " He pulled me into the nearest coffee shop and a few girls stumbled before us. I bet they recognized him.

" Are you two dating ? " One girl asked after taking his autograph. 

" Yes ! We are ! " Louis shouted. Wait - What the heck is he saying ? >////<

" You look so cute together. " The other girl said.

" Seriously ? She is not even close to being pretty. Come on, girls. " Ugh. Another hater. I hate this. 

" Here is a cookie to cheer you up. " He said handing me a piece of cookie. I started to eat and I felt a drop of tear rolling down my cheek. Hey ... I shouldn't be crying ! x( " Nikki ... Please don't cry."

" Get off. I shouldn't have asked you out. I know I'll get this kind of stuff ... "

" What ? You believed those girls. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my entire life. "

" Yeah. A lot of people say that but can they be telling the damn truth ? " Did I just repeated what he said ? 

" Well, I am. " I looked at him and he kissed my forehead. " Come on, why don't we try the Roller Coaster ? That would be fun ! " I wiped my tears away and ran after him. :'D

" Wait. Let's just back out. This is scarier than I thought it would be. " I said as we got into the seats. My knees were trembling down.

" Just hold my hand. " Louis held my hand and I felt his face were inches away from mine. I just closed my eyes and he gave me a long passionate kiss. This is the best day of  my life. I wanted every single moment to last for forever.

" I love you, Nikki. "

" I love you - AAAAHHH ! " Waaahh ! This is awesome ! The roller coaster started with a blast unlike others. There was an extreme force that pushed us and off came the twists and turns. I never felt a single thing except for his hand entwined with mine. :)


Hope you like it. Sorry for the loong wait. Hahahaha. Enjoy <3

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