Rose Petals ( Emily And Niall )

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I layed down the luscious green grass of a nearby field and just stared at the skies. With a wilted rose petal in my palm. It was the most important thing in my life. My Mom tried to dispose it several times but I end up searching for it wherever it would go. It's been near me for all my life. I try to preserve it so it doesn't fall into pieces. It has a very very significant meaning to my life.

* Flashback ( 12 years ago ) *

I held my best friends hand tightly as we ran along a deserted meadow near our school. I never knew his name. All I know is we call each other " Best ! ". He never knew mine neither. Which is Emily. A name I should have told him. He told me that we are going to a special place that only me and him will get to know. We continued to run pass the flowers that bloomed beautifully until we reached a cave covered with grass and mold.

" Mind your head. " He said as he patted my brown hair tied into pig tails. 

" Ok. " I patted his blonde head also.

He led me to somewhat dark place. I felt something cold touch my shoulder and I immediately clinged to his arm.

" Be careful. There are a lot of bats here. "

" Bats ? Let's go back ! Please ! Best ! " I screamed. Disturbing the bats and making them fly near us. I pulled him closer and closed my eyes. He patted my head again and we started walking.

There was some sort of small lights fluttering across the dark room. Fireflies. I let go of him. And tried to catch and chase one of them. There were like hundreds of them. They were revolving around a certain flower in the very middle. The plant was growing big but there grew only one flower. A Rose. A very pretty rose. I stretched my hand and tried to pull the flower but Best seized me.

" We are not allowed to pick it, you know. " He said.

" Why not ? " I asked crossing my arms to my chest.

" Because Flowers have lives too. And she is happy here. Even if she is alone. She has other friends to acompany her while waiting for another flower to grow. " He replied.

" Is that so.... " I said.

" I have something to tell you Best.... "

" Go on. " I said curiously.

" We are going back to my hometown in Ireland. "

" You are joking aren't you ? We... We.... made a promise ! " I said sniffing. He can't leave me.

" I promise I will come back and then we can be together forever ! " He said smiling.

" Promise that ! "

" I promise ! Mom said that he and Dad also promised to be together forever also known as marriage. " He said raising his pinky finger.

" Then let's get married ! " I raised my pinky finger too and made we made a promise together.

" Here take this with you. " He picked up a rose petal and handed it to me.

" Take this too. " I gave him one too.

* Present Time *

" Emily ! I knew you were here ! " Mom shouted in front of me. " We are going to clean the house. Remember ? Our old friends is coming. "

" Oh. Of course. I nearly forgot. " I stood up and me and my Mom marched back to our house. " Mom do you remember the names of our old friends. Especially their son. "

" No. It's been 12 years. How could I ever remember their names. "

" Yeah. Me too. "

Niall's POV :

" What do you mean you can't come to Lottie's party ? " Louis asked furiously. It's her sister's brithday. I would love to attend the party. Because Lou's family always serves the most delicous of food.

" I told you. Me and my family are going to visit an old friend. " I said. I am very excited to meet old friends. Especially my Best. I haven't seen her in 12 years now. I wonder how she looks. Is she famous ? Is she a fan of us ? Does she know who I am ? I wish she does.

" I am going to throw carrots at you ! " Louis said as he ran to the kitchen.

" Hey Lou ! I can't come too. I have a date with --- " Liam failed to finish his sentence when Louis ran to him carrying a spoon.

" Oh no ! You don't "

" Ok ! Ok ! I'll go ! " Liam said running away.

" Good. Okay. Zayn. You coming ? "

" Yep. " Zayn answered.

" Hazza ? "

" Do you need to ask ? Of course yes, Boo Bear ! " Harry said winking.

" Niall... "

" Sorry Lou. I just can't refuse. " I said.

" Nah. That's alright. Have a good time there. "

" Of course. I will. "

Emily's POV :

" Emily Dear ! Go and dress-up. They are coming ! Quickly now ! Hurry up ! "Mom said pointing to my room. I hurriedly went there and just grabbed my " 1D " shirt. It seems weird but I love this T-shirt. I love all of them but this is my favorite. I am a very proud directioner. :)

Ding Dong *

Mom opened the door and a lady in red greeted her. I also shook hands with the lady. I saw her somewhere. In the television ? I'm not that sure. She grinned when she caught the design of my shirt.

" Hello ! You must be Emily. This is my eldest son Greg and .... Where is that ? " She searched for her other son as I shook hands with Greg. I know him too. But I am not that sure. He also grinned when he saw my shirt.

" Here he is. My youngest son. Niall. You were best friends remember? " She pulled her youngest son inside the house. Holy Cow ! I shrieked and covered the design of my shirt. Niall Horan. You got to be joking me. I was red from head to toe.

" Errr... Yes.... Are you serious ? I - I - mean... You were my best friend ? " I looked at him. He was very cute indeed. He smiled at me.

" Yes. " He searched his pocket and took out a wilted rose petal. " Remember ? "

I searched my pocket too and took out the rose petal I have been keeping for a long time now. " I must be dreaming. "

" You have grown beautiful, Love. " I blushed to the highest level. Mom and the others gathered in the living room while Niall and me just stood in the front porch.

" Thanks. You've grown famous Best. " I said. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered to my ear. " Remember, or promise. "

I blushed again and then we both bursted out to laughter. " Childish Jokes ! Haha. How long are you staying. "

" A week. Or more. "

" Brilliant. Let's go again to our secret place ! Okay ? "

He nodded.


Is it a too long? Haha. Hope you like it. Especially you, Emily ! *u*

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