I Hated, He Helped ( Elena And Liam )

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" I hate you Liam ! " I hate him. He is very cunning. He will do everything to get in top of everything even if it causes cheating. I always had a crush on him since the day I first saw him but I need to hide it. I won't lose to him. Especially in sports. He tripped me half-way to the course without anyone noticing. I bruised me ankle and failed to continue any further.

" Ooops. Sorry about that. " He said after he got the medal that I always wanted to have. We are in 5th grade and I really need that to get back on top of my class.

" Get away ! I hate you " I turned my head away.

" Awww. Haha. You are so cute. Here you can have this. " He threw the medal to my lap and ran to his parents. I wanted to give it back to him but he refused to have it. I don't deserve it. I didn't win at all.

The next thing I knew. He moved to London and he will continue his studies there. I missed him. I wish I could have said that I love him but that would sound weird because all he knew is that I hated him.

After 7 years ( present time )

" Surpise ! Surprise ! We are going to London ! " My Mom handed me a ticket after eating breakfast. She won a local competition on cooking. I was really excited. Going to London is my one and only dream. Not only because I love it there but because of him. Nah. That Liam Payne. He won't recognize me anymore. He is famous and he has a girlfriend. He has everything he needs unlike me.

" This is awesome, Mom. " I said to her finishing my butter pancakes.

" Go ! Pack your bags ! "

" Right Now ? "

" Of course ! GO ! " She exclaimed. I rushed to my room and packed my bags. This is going to be a long trip.

After we were all packed. We went to the airport and we were booked in the front seat which is wicked. Watching the clouds and the shapes they form. My Mom was off to sleep. So I leaned to her shoulder and found myself a comfortable position because she is tall. And dozed off to sleep....

" Elena ... Wake up. We're here. " Mom said shaking me. All the other passengers were grabbing their baggage on top of them.

" Oh.... Of course. " I grabbed my backpack and we rushed down. Taking our other luggage too. We are going to have a 2 week vacation here. Pretty short for me.

" Um, excuse me sir. Where are the taxis ? " Mom asked one guard.

" Over there, Maam. " He said. Nice accent.

" Come on, Elana. "

I followed Mom till we reached the place the guard pointed us too. It was half-past midnight in there as I looked in a nearby clock. And no car nor any vehicles were passing by. I looked around and saw a huge black hole pointed to me. A gun. Crap.

" Give me all your money ! And your phones ! Quick ! " He told Mom. Mom panicked at an instant. She ransacked her bag and tried to find her money but the snatcher took it all instead. We couldn't fight him. He ran away with everything. Our reservation for the hotel, our money, Mom's phone and the ticket for our flight back.

" Don't worry Mom. I still got some extra money. " I patted my Mom's back as she started to sob. " We will find a way. " Come on. I led her to seat on the bench inside the waiting room. I told the guard everyhting and they agreed to help us. I went outside and called a taxi myself. I didn't tell anything to Mom to what I am up to.

"Ack ! If only I could ask help from anybody ! anyone ! L-l-iam, w-where are y-you ? " I stopped next to a park.  Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I never knew I could say his name. I stopped in the middle of a crowd and covered my face.

" Elena ? " I looked up again and saw a very familiar face. He was wearing a thick coat and a bonnet. He was trying to hide himself. Liam. You heard me ?

" Liam ... " I cried more and more until he pulled me into a hug. I was feeling cold both inside and outside. Will he be there to help me ?

" It's okay. What happened ? " He whispered to my ear.

" Can I explain later .... We just need some ..... help " 

Liam drove me off to the airport first and there I got to my Mom. She hugged Liam so tight to say her thanks. And he later drove us off to their apartment. " Their " as in the One Direction boys. I was crazily nervous to see them. What will they say about me ?

" Hey guys .... I have some friends and they really need a place to stay. " Liam entered the room and we followed him. Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn were staring at us. They all have huge smiles in their faces.

" Of course ! Who is she ? " Harry said looking at me.

" She's Elena. " Liam answered for me. I tried not to get eye contact.

" Cool ! Come in ! We will prepare the rooms for you ! " Niall said entering one of the rooms.

" No ! Wait ! We can fix them on our own. Accepting us into your house is a huge thing. Thank you very much. " I said.

" She is awesome Liam.... " Louis said. " I like girls like her ! "

" Unluckily, she is mine. " Liam said placing his hand on my shoulder.

" Oooooh. So you have another one after your break-up with Danielle just a while ago. You are fast dude ! " Louis said. I was shocked to myself. He just broke up ?

" Yup ! " Liam smiled. " Come on, Elena. I will lead you to the guest room. " He helped me in my luggage.

" I will leave you a moment. I can cook for you. " Mom said heading to the kitchen and closing the door behind her leaving me and Liam.

" So..... What happened to you ? "

" Well, we went here for a vacation. Got robbed and we h-have nowhere t-to go. " I was cring again. Crap.

" Oh. I'm sorry to ask you that. " Liam hugged me again. " No worries. I am here for you. " He released me later.

" You've changed a lot. " I said.

" What do you mean ? "

" Well, you used to hate me. "

" Huh ? I thought YOU used to hate me. "

" Eh ? Oh, of course. But .... I was faking my hatred to you. "

" Why's that ? "

" Because I ..... Because I always liked you. And I just can''t tell you my feelings since I don't want my pride down. " I gathered up my courage and finally got the thing stucked in my heart out.

" I ... I.... Wow. "

" What kind of reaction is that ? "

" I mean I always liked you too. And now I think I love you. "

My mind froze. The guy who I hated is now the person I love. He pulled me into another hug and whispered " I love you, Elena. Will you be my girlfriend ? "


Is it good ? Haha. Hope you like it. Especially Elena. :)

Sorry for the wrong grammars. :D xx

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