4 - "I Got A Surprise For You"

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In a couple of chapters, I'll let you guys know what the characters look like because they'll be some new people on the way. Enjoy this chapter! I added something a bit different. Hope you like it!

I've gotten a notification from the school's administrators on my phone saying;

Next Thursday, we will be hosting the tied students for Alpha Male and Alpha Female. The electives will be competing against each other in a tournament called Morphy. We would love for your family and friends to come watch.

Crap, that's next week. It's been 3 weeks since I've been at All Wolf Academy and I got to say, this place isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Momma, Papa! Come up here real quick." I shouted. "What's up, pup?" Papa said. Momma walking into the room with sticks and green marks all over her. "Jesus Christ what happened to you?" I asked her. "Oh, I was chasing the bunnies out of the backyard. But that doesn't matter. What do you want to talk about?" She said sitting on my chair.

"Well, there's uh...uhm... a Morphy Tournament next Thursday...and I uh kind of have to go." I said twisting my hair around my finger. "Are you serious?! I became Alpha Male at that school! My opponent saw it coming." Papa said smashing his fist into his hand. "Wait, I have to beat up my opponent?!" I said.

"You're running for Alpha Female?" Momma said standing up from the chair. "Well, not exactly. This guy put me in the ballot without my permission and I kind of used our little technique on him..." I said nervously.

"How come you didn't tell us about it? We would've been very proud of you!" Momma said. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head. "Being Alpha Female isn't my thing, besides I'm tied with a girl named Mei. She's pretty, nice, and quiet. I don't understand why people voted for her." I rolled my eyes. "Who's running for Alpha Male?" Papa asked.

"Two people are tied for that too. Jesus Diaz and Caesar Montoya. They just need one more person to vote. And that person is me. I still don't know who to vote for." I looked down to the ground as I feel all the pressure be put on me.

"Princess, don't let the pups there put pressure on you. Take your time." Papa said grabbing my hands and letting go.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

When my parents left my room, my phone buzzed and I felt the vibration through my bed.

Unknown: Hey princess ;)

Mia: Who is this and how did you get my number?!

Unknown: Try to take a guess who it is. Don't worry about the whole "how'd you get my number" thing.

Mia: Is this Jesus?

Unknown: Heh, you got it right on the first try. ;)

Mia: You and Ruben are the only people that call me princess. Who else could it fucking be?

Unknown: Whoa there babe. Language. Meet me at the school, I got a surprise for you :))
Seen at 3:21pm

I panicked. Do I go or stay home? Well I'm curious so I'm gonna go.

I put on something comfortable because it was the weekend. I put my hair in a decent bun and throw on some sweats. I looked for my Galaxy sweater but that was nowhere to be found so I put on a long-sleeve shirt.

I grab some shoes and head out downstairs. "Hey guys, I'm going to meet up with Nevaeh at the school. Is that ok?" I asked. I had to lie. If they'd find out I was meeting up with the biggest douchebag in the school, they would kill me for hanging out with the wrong choice of people.

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