14 - Transformation

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"Mia?" Momma said knocking on my door. "Mia, open the door." She said once again. "Mom, I'm pretty sure you know how to open doors." I snapped back. I looked at the bottle sitting on my desk.

"...Fine." She said coming in. "What do you want, Mom." I said lookin away from her. "We need to talk about... Ryland." She said twiddling her fingers. "Sit." I said motioning to the chair. "Four years before you were born. I had a son." She said looking down at the floor. I lifted my head and looked at her.

"The day I gave birth to him... was the day where I cursed the world." She began to take very deep breaths. "The way he was, the way he looked... I gave him away because I knew I wasn't able to take care of something so demonic." She said. "Mom... are you saying..." I said worrisome. "Ryland... Ryland is your... brother." She said tearing up. "I'm the reason why he's so corrupt and..."

I got up from the bed with no thoughts running through my mind. I grabbed the potion and headed to the bathroom.

"Mia... what is that?" She asked following me. I shut the door and locked it. "Mia! Open the door!" She yelled out.

I gazed at myself one last time in the mirror. "This will be the last time to look like this." I mumbled. "Mia! Open the door now!" I heard papa say. I ignored them and filled up the tub with icy cold water. They were banging on the door to open it.

I poured the potion into the water and turned off the faucet. I walked over to the door and leaned my head against it.

"I'm trying to save you..." I whispered. My mind went blank and I stepped into the tub. Shivers went all over my body. I was afraid. But this is what I have to do to save the world, my friends... my family.

I laid my body into the mixture. I shoved my head into the water and disappeared.

I wasn't in the tub anymore. I was in this place where it was very watery and dark. My body was tingling so much it went numb. I looked up and I saw a light where it led to back to the bathroom. My parents' faces shown through. I closed my eyes and just let the transformation to occur.

Sooner or later, my body felt so much pain. I couldn't move. My head and my waist area were throbbing so much I couldn't even think correctly. I tossed and turned in pain. My eyes shot open and I looked around to find a source of light.

I turned to my left and saw one. I quickly swam. My body felt so different. My head, my arms, and my legs felt weird.

Next thing I know I ended up outside of my house.

"What the hell..." I whispered. I crawled up to the door and looked in the front window. I saw my parents in the living. Momma was sobbing and Papa was worried. I saw my reflection in the window and I saw myself...

"Whoa... m-my ears. They're so... fluffy." I twitched my ears and looked back at my butt. "A tail too!" I said excited. I ran around the yard happily. "It worked! Haha! It... worked." I began to become sad. I sat and pouted for a few minutes. "I'm not gonna be my old self anymore." I sulked. My ears fell to my sides.

"Where could she be?" I heard Momma say from inside the house. These ears could really be useful. I can hear anything from a mile away. "I don't know but we can't be sitting around doing nothing. Get your ass up. We're going to find our daughter." Papa said comforting Mom.

I stood up in distraught. I'm kind of scared of what their reactions will be. Besides, I have to get inside the house at some point. Tomorrow I'm going to the Gate... to see my brother apparently.

Mom opened the door and looked at me frightened. "Oh my god. Julian..." She said staring at me. I can tell she's speechless. "What's wro— oh." They both looked at me speechless and scared. Great, they already don't like me like this.

"Mia! Where have you been? How did you get your ears and tail? Did you use something you're not supposed to? Are you hungry? How do they work?" Mom said throwing questions at me left and right. "Babe, calm down. Mia, inside. Now." Dad said pointing to the door.

I walked inside and sat on the couch. I bounced a bit a realized how comfy it was. I got up and started to jump on the couch and play with it. "Hehe, this is really bouncy!" I said. "Mia!" Papa shouted. I quickly stopped and looked at my parents. "You have A LOT of explaining to do." He said.

"Ok, but don't go hard on me." I said itching my tail.

"How did you turn into this and why?" Mom asked. "Well... I had this potion and... I poured it into the bathtub upstairs. That's why I locked it." My hands were trembling. I do not want to tell them why I did it. That'll make matters much worse than they already are.

"Why?" She asked. "Because... I thought it'd... be cool." I stuttered. "No one has ever took this form in ages... Ever since the war." Papa said. "I can't take the interrogating. Can I go to sleep?" I yawned. I stood up and try to walk over to the stairs.

"This isn't something she'd do." Momma worried. "Maybe it's for a good cause. Let's just pretend she's saving the world or something like that." Papa suggested. "Yeah, ok."

I plopped down on my bed and quickly fell asleep. I haven't slept so great in so long. I needed this sleep, I mean I'm going somewhere sacred. I need all the sleep I could get.

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