20 - Battle Scars

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Caesar wasn't in his werewolf body anymore. He had scars going across his chest and arms. He was badly hurt. Tears streamed down my face as he attempted to get back on his feet.

I managed to push Kula's hands off of me so I wouldn't see Caesar hurt and bleeding. "You're a monster. Both of you are! No wonder why mom banished you here in this place!" I screamed. Ryland looked at me startled. He was emotionally hurt but I didn't give two shits for his reactions. "Look who's hurt now? Not everything is about you." I said.

My voice calmed down a bit as the spell Kula put on me lifted. I walked over to Ryland and said, "Don't think you can get me in love with you. You're wrong for that. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF INCEST?!" I yelled to him. "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOU CAN'T JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!"

"This isn't the place you think Mia. This is worse then hell! Everything here isn't the exact same as the overworld... if you want to see your... boyfriend... he's in the cellar up ahead." Ryland pointed to the direction where he described. He sounded sad but I still didn't give two shits.

I ran towards Caesar in the cell. He was in so much pain just like I saw before.

"Caesar? Oh my gosh, Caesar. Please wake up." I said. I tried swallowing the lump in my throat. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

He grunted while he tried to open his eyes. "M-Mia?" He said. "Yes, yes. It's me. Calm down, we're going to get out of here." I pulled onto the bars on the cell so I could get in. They wouldn't budge. "Mia, stop." Caesar said crawlin towards the bars. "I have to get in there, you're hurt badly." More tears streamed down my face.

Some person in a cloak walked in the room. It wasn't Kula because she's much shorter than this person. They walked over to me and pushed me to the side. "Hey!" I said. They opened the door without a key. The figure pulled down their hoodie to show their identity. It was a man.

His hair was white as snow and he had milk chocolate skin. His eyes glowed with green like fresh grass.

He grabbed a potion that was stored in his pocket. He poured the substance onto Caesar's bloody scars. "Are you healing him?" I asked. I walked in the cellar with the two men. "Yes," He said. "I'm here to help. I couldn't bare you seeing him hurt."

Caesar shut his eyes as he potion hit the inside of his body healing. He screamed a bit because it burned. "It's ok, you'll be ok." I said rubbing his back. He looked up at me with sad puppy eyes. "Mia, I want to go home." Caesar curled up while the liquid traveled throughout his blood. "We'll get out of here. Don't worry." I got up and left the cellar room. I have to deal with Ryland.

"Where are you going?" Caesar called out. "I have to save the world." I said with bravery.

Ryland was carrying a pink bottle and pacing the room. He seemed worried. "You need to give us back our freedom from the Lunas." I growled. He looked up at me and laughed. "You'll have to pay for that." Ryland said. I pulled out my sword to challenge him.

"Fight me," I said. "Unless you're afraid of your little sister." I scoffed. He looked at me with a glow of red in his eyes. I couldn't quite see his face but he was ready as well. "I'll send out my strongest to fight you. I don't have time. If you lose, you drink this." He said holding up the potion.

"Fight me yourself. You're too scared to fight me or something?" I said. "No, one hit from me is an instant death. I don't want that and I'm pretty sure your boyfriend wouldn't either." He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose. I quickly wiped it away.

"Reese, send in Sorrows." Ryland snapped his fingers as Reese went to get my opponent.

I sat down like a dog and waited for my bone. "He shouldn't be too bad." I calmly said. "She." Ryland yelled. "Do I care?" I sassed.

The beast lurked out from the darkness that was coming behind me. I looked up and sighed. "And how is this fair?" I whispered. Sorrows growled and swung her tail at me. Her tail was so strong, I couldn't get away from the force she put on me.

She slammed me into the wall leaving a huge dent in the stone. I quickly ducked before she could take another hit at me. I ran behind her so she wouldn't see me and climbed her torso to cut her neck. She squealed out and grabbed a hold of me. She threw me over to Ryland and ran after me. "This is way more enjoyable then I thought." Ryland laughed.

I rolled my eyes and continued the fight. Sorrows grabbed me by her tail and held me up. "Uh oh." I said squirming in the hold. I saw Caesar come running from the corner of my eye.

"Hyah!" He shouted as he jumped up the cut Sorrows' tail to release me. She screamed out and grabbed Caesar. I fell to the rock hard floor in pain.

"Ohohohohohoho! This just got better!" Ryland said scooting at the edge of his throne. Sorrows threw her hand back to grow out her claws. She was an ugly beast.

"Wait..." I said looking up at her. I tried to get up but I was in so much pain.

Caesar tried get out of her hand but it was too late. Sorrows stabbed Caesar with her pointer finger in the chest.

"NOOOO!" I screamed. She threw Caesar to the ground and ran towards me. I got up holding my stomach that had a huge bruise. My sword appeared in my right hand and grew longer. Red particles shined threw the sword as I limped to Sorrows. She came to a stop as a jumped up to stab her in the glowing gem in her throat.

Her eyes rolled back until you could just see yellow. "This is what you get for killing the love of my life..." I said pulling the sword from her.

She fell to the ground as the gem exploded. I looked back at Caesar as he laid on the ground with blood pouring from his chest.

"No. No, no, no, no, no..." I said crying out. "M-Mia..." He said reaching for my hand. "Shh... you're going to live, trust me. Don't leave me." I said. I placed my hands over his wound. Tears poured down my cheeks like a flowing river. "I... I love you." He grunted. I kept crying... nothing is worse than this. "I love... you too...." I leaned my head down.

"My love, take... your time. I'll see you on... the other side..." Caesar shut his eyes for the last time as I lost grip of his hand.

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