23 - Funeral

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The past couple weeks has been straight hell with Caesar gone. I've been isolated in my room everyday I come home from school.

When the word got around the academy, people were hurt and making fun of his death.

"He was a terrible Alpha anyways." "He let Mia do all the work around school, what a bum." The words pierced throughout my head. I couldn't help but scream. Luckily, I am at the park trying to keep my cool but that's not working. No one bothered to look towards my scream. They probably thought it was a kid.

I've told his mother about the news. She's feeling the same as me.

"You left him there?! You didn't go back for him?!" She didn't say those words exactly but my head has. It's been turning on me lately...

Her and I planned out everything for the funeral and the blood thing. The colors are dark blue and black. His favorite color is dark blue. He'd wear hoodies of the color every Friday.

I packed up my things next to me as I sat under a tree. I stood up and bumped my head on a thick branch above me.

"Owie..." I complained. I felt vibrations travel through my head and torso.

"You alright?" A little kid asked. "Y-Yeah.." I rubbed my head from where the pain is. I opened my eyes to see who the little kid was. It was a boy.

"I can give you my ice cream. I could just ask my bubba for another one..." He sweetly handed his vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles scattered. "Thank you, but I don't like chocolate." Just like dogs, werewolves can't eat chocolate either.

"Don't worry Miss. I'll get you a new one!" He smiled and ran away. He so adorable, too bad I'm an only child.

I chucked my backpack over my shoulder, with my hand still covering my injury. I watched as I saw the little boy and a teen boy walking my way.

"I'm so sorry for my little brother approaching you. He's really sweet when it comes to strangers." He said. I looked up to him, his deep blue eyes staring down at me. I sniffed a bit of him but he couldn't notice. I didn't really went up to him to get a clear scent.

His hair was jet black just like his little brother's; skin like sand and eyes like the bottom of the ocean. He's literally a human form of the beach. He smells kind of like a tropical rainforest as well.

"Uh... here's your ice cream. Jayden told me you didn't like chocolate so I just got vanilla." He scratched the back of his neck, handing me the treat. "You guys don't have to," I took the cone and licked. "Never mind, this is amazing."

"Heh, thanks. I have my own ice cream truck over there," He points to a baby blue truck. "The best ice cream in town." He smiles. I return one and continue eating the rest of the creamy sweet.

"I'm Gabriel." He said lending a hand. I pulled his hand and in for a hug. Shit! I forgot that's what werewolves do! Curse you Nevaeh for doing that to me on the first day I got here.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Werew- where I come from, we hug instead of shake hands. It's been a tradition since the 1600's." I informed him. I had to lie. You're not allowed to tell a human that you're a werewolf until you mate. Which is pretty rare from what I know.

"I'm Mia."


Two Days Later-The Funeral

I sat in front of my mirror to check if my outfit for today was great. I pulled out my drawer to reveal a familiar long red velvet box. It held a necklace...

I'm pretty sure it would fit prefectly with the dark blue blouse and dress pants I was wearing. I tied my hair up in those pretty bride buns they wear.

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