Chapter 10: Team Magma

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Hey! I'm back! Sorry for not updating last week but I was busy. Now I'm back to do a chapter with my favorite bad guy team! ^.^ Yes, Team Magma FTW! Also, Team Magma actually did go to this place in the manga. Yes...I read the manga already...XD Enjoy! And Sapphire's Team WILL be updated at the end of this chapter this time, I promise.


The moon was starting to go down by the time we were pratially out in the middle of the ocean. Mimi enjoyed herself as she surfed along and so did Paige as she flew right above us. Ruby was grooming Kiki, who had recently evolved into a Delcatty, and I just kept playing around with my Pokenav waiting to get back to dry land.

"Hey Sapphire, how much longer until Slateport City since you're the one with the Pokenav," Ruby asked.

I looked at the Pokenav and it read that we were in the middle of Route 108 and it would take at least another day until we reached Slateport. I just sighed and shoved it in his face. He handed it back to me and then said," How about to pass time, I groom your Pokemon?"

Well, he was right, it would pass the time. I was about to send Kipz out when I spotted a ship.

"Hey Ruby, why's that ship there?"

He looked over and his eyes brightened.

"That's the Abandoned Ship! My Dad said that I could find some rare berries there!" he exclaimed.

Berries? If there were berries then I was going to need some since I was running low.

"Then why don't we go there," I suggusted.

He was already one step ahead of me because as soon as I said that Mimi changed directions and started swimming on over. As we neared the ship I saw that there were trees growing on it like it hadn't been disturbed in ages. Then I heard something, no, SOMEONE.

"You better be right about this scanner being here Tabitha," said a female voice.

"Heh, its here Courtney. Its not like last time, its here for sure," a male's voice answered back.

I looked up to see two people flying overhead with a Swellow each carrying them by their shoulders. They were flying towards the ship, so I had to tell Ruby.

"Ruby, did you hear that?" I whispered.

"Yeah. If you want to follow them then let's go," he whispered back.

Mimi started moving faster through the water and then we reached the side of the ship. Ruby then sent out Leaf, who had also recently evolved into a Grovyle, to help us climb the side of the ship. When we finnished climbing over the side Ruby returned Kiki, Mimi, and Leaf back to their Poke Balls and I did the same with Paige.

"Let's split up, that way we'll cover more ground," I said.

Ruby nodded in agreement and we took off in opposite directions into the trees that were growing on the ship. The undergrowth wasn't very dense so I decided to use my powers so I wouldn't get spotted. I kept walking through the mass of trees until I saw someone ahead. She was wearing mostly red and black and a Swellow sat on her shoulders, so she must've been Courtney.

I ran closer to where she was and crouched behind a bush and watched to see what she was doing. Just then two small Pokemon came running over to where she was standing and attacked her, but she just had her Swelow swat them away. They landed right next to the bush where I was hiding, so I was able to get a closer look at them. They both looked very similar and by the way their cheeck were giving off short jolts of electricity they were for sure electric types. They got up but when Courtney wasn't looking I changed back and pulled the two Pokemon back quickly.

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