Chapter 9; I'll save you

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I have been here for a week. Nicolous hasn't fed me, so I'm loosing weight like crazy, and look really unhealthy. I've been raped everyday. Yesterday's rape was the worst. He invited two if his friends to have their way with me. He has also broke one of my legs and about three ribs. My nose looks terrible. There is dry blood everywhere. I feel like dying. I haven't called Harry because Nicolous hasn't left the house yet.

"Hey, bitch I'm leaving, don't get any fucking ideas." He yells.

I wait until the front door closes and I hear his car drive off to quickly turn on my phone. I have 170 missed calls, 150 voicemails, and 200 text messages all from either Mom, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Perrie, Niall, Issac, and Mack. What surprised me the most was the fact that I got some from my cousin, Taha and her best friend Natalia. I haven't talked to them since we had moved. They had moved to Poland as soon as they has both turned 18 because Natalia wanted to stay where she grew up for a little bit. Natalia moved to the states when she turned 8 and became best friends with my cousin. She was basically like family as well. We all loved her.

I quickly called Harry.

"Aquamarine?" Harry's voice, filled the phone. You could hear the worry in his voice.

"Harry." I say, tears falling out of my house.

"I'm trying to find you, love, I promise. We are tracking Nicolous and have spotted him today. We are going to hunt him down and force him to tell us where you are and I'm going to kill that fucking bastard. Just try to stay strong for me, love. We all miss you. I'll find you, ok." Harry says, letting his sweet side show.

We say our goodbyes because I didn't want my phone died.

I just sat in the darkness and prayed to God that Harry would find me before it was too late.

-Harry P.O.V-

"Aquamarine?" I ask, worriedly in to the phone, hoping my mate wasn't dead.

"Harry." She says crying, I will make that fucking bastard pay for making my mate cry. No one makes my mate cry. She is mine.

"I'm trying to find you, love, I promise. We are tracking Nicolous and have spotted him today. We are going to hunt him down and force him to tell us where you and I'm going to kill that fucking bastard. Just try to stay strong for me, love. We all miss you. I'll find you,ok?" I say, trying to reassure her. At this point I don't fucking care if I sound soft. That is my mate I need to protect her.

We say my goodbyes and I quickly walk to the rest of the guys and Perrie.

"Let's get the fucking Son of a Bitch." I say before we all run out of the door with our supernatural speed. We follow our tracker to a abandoned shed and quickly bombard it . I fucking go crazy when I see him torturing another girl. She look so innocent and was beautiful. Of course she wasn't as stunning as my beautiful mate. I look over at the guys and see Niall just stare at the scene. I see his eyes start glowing red and get all demonic and shit. Looks like he just found his mate.

We quickly run towards the scene and I grab that bastard by the neck and chain him up. I knock him out in the process. I look at the girl. She was skinny and in terrible decision.

"I think she's dying." Niall says, tears springing up in his eyes.

"Niall, I think the only way to save her at this point, would be to change her. She far to injured to be given blood." Perrie says, grimly.

The hardest moment in a vampire's life is when you have to change your mate. Nobody wants to curse their mate, but we all knew it would be harder to lose her, so Niall nodded. He quickly bit his wrist and forced her to drink from it. Once she had enough, he looked at her, tears running down his cheeks, and snapped her neck. He quickly starts sobbing. Just because we are vampires and in a gang, doesn't me we can't be soft. We pat him on the back and tell him to take her back to the house to take care of her and he listens, running off. I hope Aqua isn't in that condition when we find her. I really don't want to give her this curse.

The rest of us focus our attention on the little fucker tied up to the chair. He starts to wake up.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS AQUA? I WANT ANSWERS FUCKING NOW!!!!" I yell, not holding back on him.

"I'm not telling you, asshole. You deserve to suffer." He smugly replies back and I quickly make Liam get the knife.

I grabbed his right hand and cut off his arm. and set in on fire. He let out a demonic scream.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!?" I yell.

"I'M NOT FUCKING TELLING YOU ANYTHING, FUCKER! I HOPE THAT BITCH DIES!!" He yells. We keep torturing him for a hour before finally cracks.

"I will tell you just don't kill me. She is in my house in the basement on Pine St. "

I smirk at him, loving his screams of agony and quickly finish him off.

"Let's go get my mate."

Please let her be safe. I'll be there soon, love.


To be continued

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