Chapter 13: My Date

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I woke up and remembered my date was today. It was my date today. I automatically went to my closet and looked through my clothes. I didn't find anythin suitable so I gave up for now. I wheeled myself downstairs (We have a ramp by our staircase for incase my elderly grandparents visit) to eat with Taha and Natalia.

"Only four hours until your date." Taha says, wiggling her eyes suggestively.

" I know and I can't find anything to wear." I say glumly.

Natalia and Taha made eye contact.

"We bought you a present in Poland. You can wear on your date." Natalia says, before running to the guest room and coming back with a box, handing it to me. Inside was a beautiful dress with matching shoes and accessories.

"Now, let's get you ready." I smile and nod.

They helped me bathe and then helped me into my dress. They then curled my hair, putting a acessory in my ginger hair. Then, they did my makeup. I looked good. ( ). ( I can wear the shooes because the cast on my leg stops right becore my ankle.

I looked at my clock and see it's already 5:45. We sure did take a long time. We chilled for the next 15, and Harry rang the doorbell exactly on time.

Natalia wheeled me to the door and Harry looks gorgeous as always. He was wearing a tux. His piercings were still in, but his tattoos were covered because of the long sleeves. The only one visible was the one on his neck. He wasn't wearing eyeliner, suprisingly, and he looked beautiful.

"You look breathtaking, Aquamarine." He says flashing a smile at me before taking my wheelchair to his car. He lifts me out of it effortlessly and puts it in the back of the car.

"So, where are we going, Mr. Styles?" I ask.

"It's a suprised, Madam." He says. I nod and smile at him. We drive for about thirty minutes, then stop and Harry puts blindfold on me before setting me in my wheelchair.

"Now, this is just rude." I say teasingly.

He just chuckles and continue pushes me. We finally stop after about another 15 minutes. He slowly takes off my blindfold. I gasp at the sight in front of me. It was so beautiful. We are in a huge clearing. Set up in one corner is a tent type thing with a table and chairs to eat. ( ). Then in the next corner is makeshift movie theater. It was so pretty.

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"You did this for me. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I say, tearing up.

"Of course I did, your are the most important person in my life." He says, pushing me over to the tables and picking me, and then putting me in one of the chairs at the table.

He smiles at me and puts a plate of steak and potatoes. He explains that they can eat and enjoy human food sometimes. Niall eats it most of the time. He loves human food. The steak and potatoes were amazing.

"So, did you make this?"

"Ya, and trust me, I know I'm a great cook." He replies, winking at me.

"You are." I agree. This just adds on to the things I love about this boy.

" Now for desert." Harry says, pulling out a slice of chocolate cheesecake. It was so yummy. We ate our desserts. He quickly pulls me over to the makeshift movie theater. And you will never guess what starts playing. The Fault in Our Stars!!!

"How did you get this?It's only on theaters!!" I say happily.

"I know people." He says simply, focusing on the movie.

I cried so many times. It.Was.So.Sad. It was like reading the book again. I look up at Harry and see him wiping at his eyes. He looks at me and smiles.

" I totally was not crying." He denies.

"You were and I thought it was adorable." He looks at me and nods. He leans down and pecks my nose. I giggle and peck his lips.

" I think I need to get home." I say when I notice the time. It was already 11:30. Harry nods, puts me in my wheelchair, then drives me home once we get to his car. He stops in my driveway. I lean in and kiss him, before he gets out and puts me in the wheelchair. He wheels me up to my door and knocks on it. Natalia answers, waves Harry goodbye before getting me in the house and up to my bedroom. She helps me change then says, "You will give me the details tomorrow. For now, sleep." She smiles and I slowly drift off to sleep.

That date was.......

Freaking Amazing.

I think I am falling for the one



Harry Styles.

Because nobody compares to him :).


There you guys go. Hope you liked it.

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