Chapter 1: Engagement? Escape!

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I'm back weebs!  I hope you liked it so far, it's only my second story.  Enjoy guys, and stay imperfect! Note: Italics equal dream, flashback, or thoughts. Italics and underline mean dream or flashback, and thoughts.  

Bakugo's POV

              I almost blow up the entire room.  "Old man, are you freaking kidding me?!" I scream at my father.  He doesn't even flinch, unlike most people I scream at.  They're afraid I'll kill them with one look.  I wish.  "You need a queen to rule the kingdom. That has been the rule of our family for generations, Katsuki."  Father says.  I grit my teeth.  I  hate how father calls me by my first name.  Like a taunt, I'm the king.  I can do whatever I want.  He does it to everyone, he's like a child.  It really bothers all the children of the court, or teens my age that are forced to go to court because of their parents.  "Shut up old man. I'm not going to marry Uraraka."  I mumble quietly.   Father scoffs.  "Speak loud and proud Katsuki! And about the girl...  As Prince of U.A, you will, whether you like it or not."  

             I sigh.  When he get's like this, there's no arguing with him, unless you want to spend the night in the dungeon.  And trust me when I say... YOU DON'T!  "Remember to bring your sword," he smirks.  "The ladies just love  a warrior."  Then he walks away, chuckling to himself, like the bastard he is.  I am now at the point where the dungeon doesn't seem so bad, as long as I can get away from Father.  When I'm king, I'm gonna put him in the dungeon.  See how he likes being in there for weeks without food.  Not fun, is it?  I begrudgingly strap my sword to my belt.  Not for Uraraka or even Father.  I just like it, and if Father let me, I'd sleep with my sword on.    

             I walk into the Great Hall to meet with the rest of the court.  All the lords, ladies, and children of the court are there.  The five lords are, Lord Uraraka, Lord Endeavor, Lord Yaoyorozu, Lord Iida, and Lord Kaminari.  Three of them have sons my age who are also training to be knights for the Royal Army.  The other two have daughters, one of which is Uraraka, who I'm forced to marry.   Seated at the front were two thrones, one golden, one a metallic blood red.  One for Father, one for me.  As I pass Lord Uraraka and his daughter I smile at her, hoping to ease her mind.  She gives me a small, cute smile back, but her father glares at her.  Uraraka keeps a neutral look on her face, but I've known her long enough to know she's scared.  And I got her in trouble.  I always seem to, one way or another.

            "We are gathered here today,"  Father starts. Damnnit, do you have to make it sound like a wedding old man?!  We're not married yet at least.  Let me have my last ounces of freedom, before I have a queen nagging at me day-in day-out.   "To make a very important announcement." Father says in his, "I'm your king, you respect me, or die."  voice.  Your a king, act like it.  he says.  "My son Katsuki, and Uraraka's daughter Ochako, will be married very soon!  By next spring, they'll have come of age!"  And there it is.  The end of my life, as I know it.  The lords son's glance at me like, Sorry Bakugo, but we all have to go sometimes.  We joke about our future wives a lot, but never actually realize what it'll be like.  Todoroki has his fiancé, but he wanted to be with her anyway.  Iida is just hopelessly oblivious to every girl... and let's not go into Kaminari for now.  He's... different, in more ways than one.

             When Father finishes, I hear some cheers coming from Uraraka's family, and even some moans from the other un-married daughters of the court.  The whole court is making some kind of noise, some of which I find disturbing.  Most of them are lower ranking, and are total bitches.  They wanted to be queen a lot more than Uraraka does.  It's not her choice as much as it isn't mine.  At least, I think...  Whatever,  I think.  They just want the throne, they don't care about me.  Uraraka probably cares at least a bit about me....  My mind trails off to her.  It never did that until I learned about our betrothal, but it's not like that!  I swear... 

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now