Chapter 16: T is for Traitor

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Hello my wonderful weebs! If you follow me (which you shoud🙃) you know that I have recently returned to the wonderful shithole that is Wattpad! I have been working to bring you guys another chapter! This is the last one before my three endings, which you guys wanted! Number one is an ending where Uraraka ends up with Deku! Ending number two is an ending where Uraraka ends up with Bakugo! And the last one... well you'll just have to read it and see!

Read all of them, read some of them, or only read one! Whatever you like! Also before we get into it I'd just like to dedicate this chapter to Robtemp !! Thank you so much for all your support and for inspiring me to start writing again! I didn't realize how much I missed it! Thank you all so much for your support and comment if you want a Q&A!!! Ask questions, whatever you want!!! Please make it appropriate! Arigato and I hope you enjoy!

Uraraka's POV

When we finally separate, Bakugo pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you Ochako," he says as he nestles his chin into my shoulder. My jaw drops in shock. The facts that Bakugo used said my real name is crazy, let alone my first name. "You don't have to say it back." I nod, watching his eyes as he releases me from the hug, just to hold my hand. I smile, I think I might be in love with him. I might be in love with my childhood best friend Bakugo Katsuki. The thought is just so bizarre.

"I thought you'd never figure out it was me..." Bakugo says, breaking the not-so-awkward silence. "It's just... so unlike you..." I say. "And they were good." Something about the poems, reminds me of a better time... He cocks an eyebrow at me. "You saying you didn't think I'd be a good writer?!" I laugh, "Katsuki please, you're good at everything, I just didn't think you'd ever try to write."

Bakugo grins, "Heh cute Round Face." Eh?! My face goes completely red. "Bakugo!" a voice calls. Todoroki starts jogging towards us. "What do you want Icy-Hot?!" Bakugo scowls. "The King needs you, now. We've got a 19-7-9." Bakugo's scowl fades. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it quickly. "I'll be back Ochako," he says. "Wait for me." I should've known something was wrong froms the looks on their faces... But I was too caught up in Bakugo and the feel of his lips on my skin to even notice. So I just watched them jog away in a daze.

A firm hand grips my shoulder. I don't have to look up, I know it's him. Plus, he doesn't like eye contact, especially from me. "He will make a much stronger king than his father. You two will rule this kingdom together flawlessly." I expect Kowareta to brainlessly respond for me, but it doesn't come. So, for the first time in years, I answer, "Yes Father."

Kowareta... is she dead? Did Bakugo kill her and- fix me? He removes his hand from my shoulder. "One of the servants has informed me that you have received mail. Most likely a suitor from another kingdom. Perhaps Shiketsu. You will turn him down, won't you Ochako?" "Of course Father," I say, holding back smile. "Good, now run along. If all goes well, you won't have to write anymore of those letters." I don't respond, which is probably for the best. Could it be? Did she finally write me back?

The halls are buzzing with tension, but I don't stop to wonder why. The children of the court, servants and even some of the most respected knights in U.A. are all heading in the same direction as Todoroki and Bakugo went. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kaminari slip away in the opposite direction. But again, I think nothing of it. Maybe there's a training excercise today that I didn't know about, is the only thought I spare to the chaos that surrounds me.

I quickly collect my letter and close the door to my room. I tear open the envelop to reveal a neatly folded piece of paper. The paper is very simple and rough, but it smells like the village. And I love it. I unfold the letter and read it to myself:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now