Chapter 11: Sorcerer's Guild

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Hey guys, this took me a long time to write, but I hope you like it!  This is where the real plot begins!  And we got some new characters and backstory.  Have fun with the feels, and don't forget to comment and vote, I just love all the feedback you give me!  Enjoy!

Bakugo's POV

       "Our goal here today is to infiltrate enemy territory and learn things, anything, that might be of use during a fight." Aizawa says.  I clench my fists.  This place gives me the creeps, but it's also kind of special.  I fought my first battle here when I was nine against a bunch of robbers.  The fight was really bloody, and that's when I fell in love with my sword.  So yeah, I kinda like it here, but then again, we could all die.  Well, not me, but those extras don't know how to fight for shit.  "I'm going to split you up into three groups, at least one Son (of the Court) to each."  Great, I'll be the leader.  So nothing's changed.  He better not put me with Deku though...  I think.  I shake my head.  Even Kaminari is smart enough not to put us together!  

       "Group one is: Bakugo, Asui, Tokoyami, Mineta, Kirishima and Mina. Group two is: Iida, Kaminari, Jiro, Sero, Satou, and Koda. Group three is: Todoroki, Deku, Shoji, Aoyama, Ojirou, and Tooru."  Thank God, the only one incredibly annoying in my group is Mineta.  "Split up and scout the area. Report important findings."  he says.  "What are you waiting for? Go!" 

        "We'll go this way!" I say loud enough for the other extras to hear as I lead my group away.  "So, where we headed Bakugo?" Kirishima asks.  "We're gonna find the guild's base and destroy it!"  I say.  I for one, think it's a great plan, getting information by force is always best.  If there was one thing the old man taught me, it was people will obey out of fear more than kindness.  "But Bakugo, we're only supposed to observe-kero." Tsu says.  

       I turn to face her.  "Listen, Amphibian, does it look like I'm an observer? As future king, I fight. Besides, I doubt any guild members are just sitting around waiting to be attacked."  "That's not an insult Bakugo, I am an amphibian."  "Never the less, he's right, no one's gonna be outside their base unarmed." Mina agrees.  "You might not believe it, but he does have a brain in his head.." Kirishima mutters.  "I heard that!"  "Sorry sir!" he bows in mock respect.  I nod, and we continue through the wood.

       Soon we arrive at a deeper part of the forest.  "If I where in a Dark Guild, this is where I'd put my base." Tokoyami comments.  I grunt in agreement.  We trudge on, and into a huge opening.  Why is this here, a huge desert in the middle of all these trees?!  "Aggghhh!"  I turn to see the already short Mineta sinking into the sand.  Quick sand! Those sorcerer's don't even know how to fight one on one!  "Quick, grab onto my tongue-kero." Tsu says.  I shiver.  I still find it weird when she changes into a frog girl.  Apparently there's a thing in her family that when they get there swords, they also get the power to turn into a frog for 3 hours maximum per day.  Whether it's a curse or not, I'm not sure.  "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!" Mineta pants.

       When Tsu finally pulls him out, he springs into the air.  "Thank you thank you thank you!" Mineta cries, hugging her chest.  I roll me eyes.  Distgusting!  "Are you hurt?" she asks, ignoring his Minetaness.  "Yeah I th-"  "Get of then."  Kirishima removes Mineta from Tsu while Tokoyami smiles in satisfaction.  "Be careful idiots, and go around  the quick sand." I say.  "Right..." Mineta sweat drops.  

      "Okay, here's the plan." I say, more to myself then the others.  "When we find the base, Tokoyami and I will distract the guards while you four destroy the place. Gain as much information as possible, and only kill if you have to.  When I give the signal,"  Sparks fly from my hands.  "Your out of there. Clear?"  "Sure, but don't you want to be in the middle of the action, Bakugo?" Mina asks.  "If you're a distraction, you won't get to fight."  I grin.  "I never said I wasn't going to fight, Racoon Eyes, I said I was going to 'distract' the guards. That might not even exist, who knows?"  I do..  

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