Chapter 9: Secret Love Note

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Hey guys, I have another chapter! It's about to get spicy.... NEXT CHAPTER! Don't worry, this one will still be good... at least I hope...  Whatever, enjoy! (Btw way, this is not my art! I can't draw!)

Deku's POV

       The next morning, I rise with the early sun.  I yawn.  "What happened to the roos-" I stop, seeing that I'm in the T-A barracks.  I live here now... I grin.  Kirishima and Sero are sleeping beside me, Kirishima on the left, Sero on the right.  Both are drooling.  I shake my head.  Those two fell asleep easily after begging me for more ramen.  With a bit of help, I used up all the ingredients in the kitchen, and made 50 more bowls of ramen.  Of course, I did give a few to Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Iida, and Uraraka.  Uraraka...

       I lie in bed thinking about her.  She's so perfect, kind and strong, funny and smart.  She's beautiful too...  I think sheepishly.  I.. I want to tell her.  Tell her everything I feel.  But Kacchan told me to stay away from her... says my self awareness.  No, I can't have Kacchan keeping me away from the girl I love.  In that moment, I make my decision.  I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something's starting right now!  (...)  I'm going to tell Uraraka how I feel.  Right, let's get to work than!  I think.  

        I reach under my bed to get my backpack.  I packed paper and a few pens so I could right letters to my mom, she really does worry about me too much..  Anyway, using one to write to Uraraka won't hurt.  I get to work, writing all my feelings down on paper.  It took me a few tries before the way I wrote it sounded right, but I got eventually.  Once I thought I heard Sero wake up, but when I looked back he just lied right back down and fell asleep.  Once again, the ramen takes it's toll.  And thank God for that...  I think.  When I finish, I write another note: Meet me behind the T-A barracks.  See you there.  ~Anonymous~  Simple, but it works.  Anyway, Uraraka likes being treated like an equal.  I put on my green hoodie, and slip out the door.  

       Remembering exactly where to go, I walk the huge palace halls to Uraraka's room.  If I get caught... I think.  I shake my head, desperate to think positive.  Like Uraraka.  When I finally get to the door, my hands start shaking.  After a second, I realize by hands are the only thing not shaking!  Oh God...  C'mon Izuku, you have to do this.  I slip the second note under the door, putting the other one in my pocket for later.  The I run away.  Like a coward.  I think, ashamed.  At least I did it, kind of....

Uraraka's POV

       My eyes flutter open, and I turn over, glancing at my clock.  Ugh, 8:40, and no classes or training today...  I think, burying my face in my pillow.  Why can't I just sleep in!  I ask myself.  Then I realize something.  Maybe I could sneak out to the forests today.  No one in the palace should be up this early today..  I'm up in an instant, and put on my black skirt and pink and black blouse.  

       Right as I'm about to walk out the door, I see a piece of neatly folded paper on the floor.  "Another poem already?" I say.  I pick it up and read it, "Meet me behind the T-A barracks. See you there. ~Anonymous~"  I read.  I can't tell if it's the same person who wrote the poems or not.  Well duh!  Who else would it be?!  I think.  With that, I hurry to meet them.  Finally, I'll see who wrote those amazing poems!  And of course, I have to warn them about Bakugo my "relationship"... I think.  

        sPeAk oF tHe DeViL!  As I turn the corner, I run into Bakugo.  Crap!  I should've known, this is just my luck...  "Uraraka, are you okay?" he asks, noticing how nervous I look.  "I'm a fine." I say, smiling.  I turn to walk away, but Bakugo puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me.  "Where are you running off to so early?"  "I'm meeting someone." I realize what I said too late.  Dang it!  Bakugo's eyes narrow, and start to glow red.  "Oh? Who's that?"  "Kyoka chan." I lie.  Sorry Kyoka chan, if you get into any trouble because of me.  I think.  I pray Bakugo doesn't realize I lied.  "That's Kaminari's girlfriend right?"  "Yup!" I say relieved.  "I gotta go, Kyoka chan'll be mad if I keep her waiting."  "Okay b-"  I leave before he can even finish.  That was way too close!

Bakugo's POV

       I stand there for a minute, confused.  When I finally snap out of it, I blink twice.  She's... gone...  I think.  I wonder why she cared about meeting Jiro so much?  I shake my head, trying not to think about it.  If I get to worked up, I'll blow up the whole palace, enraged.  And that will cost a lot of money, and maybe my life.  Most likely the latter, but it really depends on how Father's feeling.  I head back to my room, still exhausted from the stress of yesterday.  Stupid Deku!  I sigh.  Whatever, he can't bother me here.

       I walk by the kitchen, and I see Jiro.  Wait what?  "Hey Bakugo kun." she says with a small wave.  "What're you doing here, aren't you supposed to be meeting Uraraka?"  Jiro frowns.  "I just came to get a cup of coffee, things with Kaminari are..." she stops.  I nod, understandingly.   Kaminari's nuts like, 100% percent of the time.  A stable relationship with him is worth more than the whole palace.  "And I wasn't going to meet Ochako chan today, as far as I know. Why?"  "No reason." I say, walking away.  "Okay then..." Jiro says, raising an eyebrow.  

       She lied to me... I think.  She frickin lied to me!  I punch the wall angrily, and  slowly take a deep breath.  Whatever, I think.  She's probably just sneaking out to the forest and didn't want me to know. I think, remembering her outfit.  The one she wore when I caught her coming back from the forest.  Seriously Bakugo? Lame!  says the voice.  Now you remember everything about her, you creepy stalker!  Shut up, she's my betrothed, I have the right to think about her.  Bu- I stop listening to the voice.   At this point, I've already made up my mind.  She'd never lie to me purposefully, I knew it!

Deku's POV

       I stand behind the barracks, waiting for Uraraka.  I fidget awkwardly, imagining confessing to her.  So embarrassing... I think.  I shake my head.  C'mon Izuku, I think.  You have to do this before Kacchan finds out !  I close my eyes, take a deep breath and sigh.  People say, "I'd risk my life for you, Iove you so much!"  But I'm not only risking death, I risking a slow and painful death of explosions, and possibly starvation from Bakugo.  If anything I do is for someone else, I really am risking my life for this girl...

       "Um.. hello?"  says a sweet voice.  I jump, startled.  "H-hi!"  Uraraka got here so fast!  I'm not mentally prepared for this! (Lorelai, if you see this, I use that quote a lot now..)  "Deku kun? So you wrote everything?" she says in awe.  Huh?  "J-just the one n-note!" I stutter.  What else could she be talking about?  "Oh okay.. Uh, what did you want to say?" she asks.  I'm not exactly sure... I think.  I take another deep breath.  Here I go.



I know, you all hate me, I know... but next time!  Next time is exciting you know!  See you in the next one, check out my other stories and my friend Yanderesneedlovetoo Bye!  Stay imperfect my little weebs!


Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now