Chapter 5: Meet Deku

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I'm back again my little weebs! Comment if you just LOVE that GIF (above if you didn't see it)! I do. Okay, well lets just jump right into it! (I lowkey can't remember what that's from XD!)

Midoriya's POV 

       I stare in awe as Kacchan and the nice person leave, talking so casually. I'm sure of it now, she's some sort of princess. That doesn't mean she's dating Kacchan though.. But from the way he acted when he thought I hurt her, maybe she is. Still... He remembered me! I think. Even though he was rude (which is to be expected) a prince remembered me. I knew he couldn't be all bad... Even though kind of threatened and bullied me... That aside, if that nice girl talks to him, maybe I could try to believe for her. I just remembered something.. A few minutes ago I saved her life and didn't even say anything to her! I'm such an idiot! I could myself. Well, at least I did something to help. I just couldn't let her, let anyone get taken so effortlessly like that. I had to try.

       "Young man," says a voice. I turn around, wincing in pain. I think I sprained my ankle saving her and dodging the zero-point target. "S-sir Present Mic?!" "In the flesh." he smiles. "Look, I saw you in the Entrance Exam. You did a decent job, but you look tired." I can't tell if this is a compliment or an insult. I'll take it as a compliment. After all, the others besides the tall kid with the glasses, didn't get any points. Sir Mic pulls out a pink slip of paper. "Go down the hall, an the first door to your right is the Infirmary." A famous knight just gave me permission to go to the palace Infirmary! I think. I'm so honored! "T-thank you sir!" I say. taking the paper. He smiles as I walk to the Infirmary.

       "What are you doing here?!" snaps an old women with a tag that says, "Recovery Girl", a famous healer. "S-sir Present Mic gave me this.." I stammer, giving her the slip of paper. She glares at it, as if she could burn it with her stare. I gulp, hoping she can't. "Fine, take a seat." Recovery Girl says, motioning for me to sit on a patient bed. I heard her mutter something about Sir Mic being to generous about giving those passes to examinees. She seems to be in a really bad mood. I would be too if I had so many patients at once. Half the people at Orientation are in this tiny, crammed room. Most of them are unconscious as well.

       I sit down on the bed. The curtain of another patients area opens. I feel a small tap on my shoulder. "Hey, I remember you! Your the one from Orientation, and the Entrance Exam! You saved me..." she smiles shyly. I blush. The girl from the forest. The one that I saved... "O-oh yeah!" I say covering my face with my hands. "I-it's nice to meet you." She smiles. "Thanks for saving me at the Exam, you where so brave!" I wouldn't say that at all... I think. "The way you so fearlessly stabbed that zero point target was awesome Deku kun!" N-nani?! "D-deku?!" I guess she heard me and Kacchan talking... "Actually, it's Midoriya Izuku..." I say scratching the back of my neck. If only I wasn't so awkward!

       She cocks her head to the side, in that super cute way that only teenage girls and puppies can do. I have issues... "But Bakugo said something like, 'Deku!!!!!' " she makes a face as if she were yelling at me. I chuckled. It was a pretty good impression of Kacchan. "Deku is just what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me..." I sigh. "O-oh I'm sorry. But you know I like 'Deku'. It sounds like a great knight-name. Plus... its kind of cute." I feel the blush across my face. "Call me Deku!" Wow Izuku, you totally sound not desperate right there. I think. It's true, I sound way too eager to let her call me by something that means "useless." But its her. I don't even know her, but something about this girl just makes you want to believe in her. Makes you want to trust her with everything and anything. Yeah, I do have issues...

       "Okay," she smiles. "I'm Ochako, Uraraka Ochako." "Nice to meet you, Uraraka san." I say, shaking her hand. She winces. "Sorry, are you hurt?" Uraraka nods. "The zero-point target kind of cut me a bit. But Recovery Girl fixed me up, that's why I'm here. What about you, did the Exam take it's toll on you too?" "Yeah, I really need to work on my stamina. I sprained my ankle while fighting the zero-point..." I see Uraraka frown. I messed up. "I-I didn't mean it like that! It's not your fault." I say quickly. "Thanks Deku kun." I smile at the cute nickname that once crushed my spirit. "Oh, one more thing. Deku, I think that kind of sounds like the Japanese way of saying, 'I can do it!'" 

       That's really cute. I think. "See you later!" Uraraka smiles happily. Uraraka is that person who just fills you with joy. Once you see her you start to smile and even after she's gone you can't help but feel like the world is a better place. She's even more perfect than I thought she was. I think as she leaves. That was my first semi-normal conversation with a girl.

Hey, I felt like writing more so take it or leave it. I have another story on Docs that I've been writing, which I haven't even let @jennerismaria read yet. It's a surprise, but it is a My Hero Academia fanfic. Lmk if I should publish or not. Sorry for the short chapter. Stay imperfect! Bye!

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now