Chapter 14: I Lost...

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Hey guys, you miss me? Well I'm back and I'm gonna try to be more consistent with my chapter, because there's so few chapters left. Two more and then the endings. Also special thanks to Aliyahanime for inspiring me to keep writing when I wanted to quit. Go check out her stories and show her some love! Arigato, and enjoy!

Deku's POV

Uraraka left soon after the ceremony. So did Kacchan. I feared the worst, but Tsu and Tokoyami eventually got me back in a good mood; Tsu even tried to teach us how to dance, which neither of us were very good at.

I approach Uraraka slowly the next day, aware that she might be with Kacchan. Instead she's with Yaoyorozu, and that's fine by me! "Hey Uraraka san, I missed you last night, what happened?" I ask, doing my best not to sound nosy. "Oh- I, left early. Wasn't in a party mood, y'know?" she says, scratching the back of her neck.

Yaoyorozu gives her a look, then bows her head. "Apologies, I have something to attend to. Until next time, Midoriya san, Ochako. "Bye Momo!" Uraraka says. I wave shyly, I'm still not used to everyone knowing me... Especially the Royal daughters of the court!

Uraraka and I continue to wander the palace halls. I smile as her hand brushes up against mine. It's crowded since both T-A and the sons and daughters of the court have the day off. And of course, we all plan to train as hard as we can! "I wish I could go with you!" Uraraka muses. "Y'know my mother used to be a trainee, she gave me her daggers before she left," she says softly. I gasp. "What kind of power?! I-if you don't mind me asking..." I bet Lady Uraraka had one of the most powerful weapons in U.A!

"Well my mom got it before she married Father, and since she didn't have much money, she got a simple anti-gravity power. I love it more than anything else though." Her eyes cloud with fear. "Y-you won't tell anyone, right?! Not even my father or Bakugo knows. They could be... taken away..." Her voice breaks. She trusts me with something she doesn't trust with Kacchan, or anyone else. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," I promise. I think for a moment, then smile. "And I think I can help you train with us!"

Uraraka's eyes light up, and she grabs my hand. I feel an aura of intensity coming from her body. "Lead the way!"

Uraraka's POV

Deku's my hero! He took me to the girls barracks, where he told Mina of our plan. She agreed to lend me an extra uniform, along with a bunch of other stuff. You know Mina, she's a "go big or go home" kind of girl. I come out of their bunk. "How do I look?" "Amazing!" "I barely recognize you!" Deku grins. I adjust my fake glasses and run my finger through the blonde wig. I gaze in the mirror.

"Perfect, he'll never know," I whisper. I run over to Deku. "Thank you so much Deku kun! You too Mina chan!" "No problem, anything for my sh-" I step on her foot, making her jump. I face him again, "Okay, let's go!" We stop by my room to get my daggers.

The twin daggers, Anti and Gravity, have either a pink or black stone on them. I gaze at them lovingly. I miss her so much... Don't cry though, Mommy would want you to be happy, with whoever I choose. Hopefully I choose someone who treats me better then how Father treated Mommy and I...

I think about this while training with Deku. Sure, his power is awesome and he's much stronger than me, but he's not perfect. I find that there's a short period of time between when he dodges and goes to attack where he's unbalanced. During this time Deku holds his sword with only one hand. I use this chance to blitz him, knocking his sword out of his hand. I use my left dagger to cut his arm and he grins.

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now