Chapter 13: A Toast to T-A

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Warning, may be a bit sour... if you know what I mean.  Enjoy!

Bakugo's POV

       Boring.  Nothing interesting has happened in a frickin week, and I need some entertainment.  Maybe the old man's "specialists"  will finally figure out what's up with those hands Iida found in Sorcerer's territory.  I yawn, stretching beside Todoroki and Uraraka.  "Nothing's happened..." Uraraka frowns, echoing my thoughts.  Todoroki nods, "It's too quiet. Perhaps today something will happen."  I roll my eyes.  Sure, that's what you've been sayin' for a week.

       Father steps onto the balcony, and the court immediately quiets.  "There is much to discuss today! Our magic experts have determined that the hands found by Tenya kun are the cause of the ash trail. We think they might have the power to disintegrate almost anything. Their magic has allowed them to have a large advantage over our kingdom."  Uraraka gives me a worried glance.  I put my hand on her shoulder reassuringly.  

       "However, our pros are working to make this technology our own. It is only a matter of time before we declare war on their guild."  Lord Uraraka narrows his eyes.  "We shouldn't need to declare war just to put a few pests in their place!"  "While I respect your opinion Lord Uraraka, this is not your place to decide," Father says.  Lord Uraraka scowls, and leans back into his chair.  The only one who talks back to Lord Uraraka's the old man, I think.  I see Uraraka clench her fists.  "It's alright, I won't let him touch you," I say.  She tries to smile and nods.

       "But now for the good news!"  Oh now, this'll be a complete nightmare.  "Because our top group of trainees, also known as T-A, has been working extremely hard these past few weeks, we are holding a celebration! Tomorrow, in the Eastern Ballroom, all of them will be given a medal of honor. The ladies of the court are required to come as well." 

       The court starts rambling about the "dance", and Uraraka squeezes my hand.  I'm unconvinced about this whole shit show.  I know the old man, and he's not a generous person.  He's doing it either to give us one last taste of joy before going to war, or to get information out of that damn nerd, and why the Sorcerer's need him.  Doubt even he knows...

Deku's POV

       I'm heading to the trainee fields for another day of training.  As the weeks pass by, I can say for a fact that I'm getting stronger.  Today, Tokoyami and i are gonna have another rematch.  SO far out of eight matches, he's won four, I've won two, and their have been to ties.  Then an official looking man comes up to me, and my plans are screwed.

       "Excuse me young man, are you the one named Midoriya Izuku?" he asks.  "That's me sir."  "Well His Highness has requested an audience with you. Don't fret, I shall speak to your instructor about your absence, now be on your way to the Throne room."

       Then he leaves, assuming I know where to find the Throne Room.  Thankfully it's not hard to find, but it takes me a while to compose myself before entering.  I knock.  "Enter," comes a deep voice.  "Y-you wanted to see me, Your Highness?" I say bowing.  "That's right Izuku shounen. Please, have a seat," King Bakugo smiles.  He smiles just like Kacchan... I think.

       I do as he says.  "Now. When you and the other Royal Army trainees arrived in Sorcerer Guild territory, you met a girl named Toga Himiko, correct?"  I nod.  "And this girl, witch rather, said that she needed to take you back to their base. Do you know why?"  No, I think.  But it's never a good idea to say no to the King.  So I stay silent.

       He pulls out a pile of papers from inside his desk.  "You're the only villager to get into T-A... or T-B for that matter..."  Then he mumbles something under his breath.  "Tell me about yourself Izuku. Your village, your sword. You just might be the key to defeating those wretched sorcerers."

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